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Chris opened his eyes sleepily. Scarlett stood in front of him. Chris quickly jumped up. 'What time is it?' He asked. He looked around. Scarlett chuckled. 'Calm down. It's ten o'clock in the morning. US time.' she added. "It's Christmas morning." Chris realized.

"Merry Christmas Chris." Scarlett smiled. 'Merry Christmas Scarlett. Thank you for everything you have done for me and my family.' Chris gave his best friend a hug. 'No problem. That's what Friends Are For.' Scarlett replied.

It was Christmas morning and Chris had just arrived at an airport outside New York. He had already collected his suitcases and sat down on a bench. Scarlett picked him up from the airport because Lizzie didn't know Chris was coming home for Christmas.

Chris didn't know how Scarlett had arranged it but he was home for Christmas. He finally saw his daughters and Lizzie again. He had been feeling really bad the past few weeks. When he was at work it wasn't too bad, but when he lay in bed after a long day he felt lonely. He missed Lizzie next to him. He missed his daughters' smiling faces and Dodger's wagging tail. He had never felt so lonely.

Chris was surprised when he received the message that he could go home for Christmas. Scarlett had made a number of phone calls and after much discussion and pleading, Chris was allowed to go home for a week. Chris was freaking out and immediately bought a plane ticket.

Lizzie and the children knew nothing. Chris wanted to surprise them. Today Lizzie, Maeve and Jane celebrated Christmas with Scarlett and her family so he had the idea to surprise them.

'Shall we go to the car? Colin is waiting with the children in the parking lot.' Scarlett said. 'Yes that is good.' Chris packed his bags and together with Scarlett he walked towards the car. 'The children will be so happy when they see you again. They miss you.' Scarlett said. 'I know. I miss them too.'

The pair arrived at the car and Rose enthusiastically waved to Chris. Chris opened the car door. "Hey Rosie!" Chris gave the girl a pat on the head. "Uncle Chris!" Rose unbuckled her seat belt and jumped into Chris's arms. "Hey, careful!" Chris picked the girl up and suddenly his eyes fell on Cosmo.

'How big he has grown.' Cosmo sat in the car seat and happily sucked on his pacifier. 'It's bizarre. Time flies so fast.' Colin got out of the car. 'Hey Col!' Chris set Rose down on the ground and greeted his good friend. "Good to see you again."

Chris put his suitcases in the back of the car and they left for the Jost house. When they got home, Scarlett immediately went to the kitchen. She still had a lot to do before the visitors arrived.

'Can I help with anything?' Chris asked. Scarlett looked around the kitchen. "No, you're just getting in my way here." Scarlett said. 'Okay. If you're looking for me, I'll be in the living room.' Chris said. 'Guard. Would you mind giving Cosmo a fruit snack?' Scarlett asked. 'Naturally.'

Chris looked at Cosmo who was sitting in the high chair. Scarlett grabbed a fruit snack and a spoon. She handed it to Chris and then he walked out of the kitchen. 'And now?' Looking for help, Chris looked at Scarlett who was standing at the counter. "Sit next to him and feed him." Scarlett replied with a big smile on her face.

Chris awkwardly sat down on a chair next to Cosmo. It was strange to think that he had never fed a baby before. He opened the jar and while Chris fed Cosmo, Scarlett was busy.

Lizzie, the kids and Dodger were only a few hours away and there was still a lot to be done. Christmas was a big thing in the Jost house. Everything had to be perfect. Rose and Colin had already put together some nice Christmas movies for tonight. As always, Home Alone was a favorite. That remained the classic Christmas movie every year.

Time passed slowly but finally the moment had arrived. The doorbell rang. 'I'll open the door!' Rose shouted. "Rose, wait! Don't tell me Chris is here.' Scarlett ran after her daughter. Meanwhile, Colin grabbed his phone to capture this moment on camera.

Rose opened the door. 'Hey! How nice to have you here.' Scarlett gave everyone a hug and Rose followed suit. Jane and Maeve both wore beautiful dresses. 'You look so beautiful.' Scarlett complimented the girls. "There's a big surprise for you inside." Rose said enthusiastically. 'Rose!' Scarlett gestured that she couldn't reveal anything and Rose quickly shut her mouth.

"What kind of surprise?" Maeve looked at Scarlett curiously. "You'll hear that soon." Scarlett smiled mysteriously. "Hey, can't you help me out?" Lizzie walked over. In one hand she held Dodger's belt and in the other she had a large bag full of presents. "Just let Dodger go." Scarlett said. Lizzie did as she said and released the dog who enthusiastically greeted Rose.

"Hey Liz. You look nice.' Lizzie was wearing a green dress. 'Thank you. Your dress is really great too.' Scarlett was wearing a dark blue dress and her hair was loose. 'Thanks. Come in quickly. It's way too cold outside.'

Lizzie walked in and Scarlett closed the door behind her. "Jane, be careful with your arm." Lizzie warned. Jane awkwardly tried to take off her coat. Scarlett chuckled and helped the toddler. 'What's the surprise?' Maeve asked impatiently.

"Go and look in the living room." Scarlett stepped aside and the children ran into the living room. Chris stood in the living room. He stood in front of the Christmas tree and a big smile broke out on his face when he saw his daughters.

'Daddy!' Maeve and Jane ran to Chris. "Hey princesses." Chris dropped to his knees and the twins came running towards him. 'Careful with your arm, Djee.' He warned his youngest daughter. Maeve was the first to attack Chris and then Dodger followed. He licked his owner enthusiastically. 'Dodger fool.' He pushed his four-legged friend aside and now it was Jane's turn to greet her father.

"Chris?" Lizzie walked into the living room and, startled, covered her mouth with her hand. She didn't expect Chris to come. Chris looked up and saw Lizzie looking at him in surprise. He smiled. He let go of the children and walked over to her.

'Merry Christmas Lizzie.'

Lizzie hugged him. "Chris, I can't believe you're here. How? How is it possible? I thought you weren't allowed to come to America.' Lizzie stammered. Chris let her go. 'It wasn't possible either, but thanks to Scarlett it worked out.' Chris told. Lizzie looked gratefully at Scarlett. "Thank you Scar. You reunited our family for Christmas."

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