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It was Saturday afternoon and Lizzie felt a lot better for the first time since her conversation with Chris. Yesterday Chris's parents came by to see the girls. Lizzie had been afraid that things would become very awkward between her and Chris's parents, but fortunately that turned out not to be so bad.

Lisa was very happy to see Lizzie again and had hugged her at least three times. Robert was also very nice and the girls found their grandparents very interesting. They kept their distance, but they understood that Robert and Lisa had no bad intentions.

Now it also made a difference that the grandparents had brought presents for the twins. They were spoiled way too much. Hundreds of cards had already arrived through the letterbox with all kinds of sweet messages from family, friends and even from a number of fans.

Lizzie found the latter a bit worrying. How did people know their address? What if someone knew their address and had bad intentions? There was still no one who knew what had happened to Jane and Maeve over the years. Sometimes Lizzie tried to subtly ask Maeve, but the girl remained tight-lipped.

However, the twins had already been to a child psychologist twice. The first time together and the day before yesterday they had both been alone for the first time. The psychologist was very satisfied and already saw some progress compared to the first session. Chris and Lizzie were very happy with that news. Jane also started talking a bit more and seemed to feel more and more at ease.

Slowly there was progress and she started to open up more to Chris and Lizzie as opposed to Dodger. She thought the dog was terrifying. It was a very difficult situation, but Chris and Lizzie began to consider getting rid of Dodger. Jane was so afraid of the dog. When Dodger was fifteen meters away from her she started screaming.

"Jane, are you coming to play?" Maeve ran towards Lizzie and Jane who were sitting on the bench in the garden. The weather was lovely and Lizzie, Jane and Maeve had just had lunch. 'Yes.' Jane replied. She wanted to jump off the couch but Lizzie stopped her.

"Wait a minute, honey. Mommy is making another braid." Lizzie had divided Jane's hair into three strands and she made a tight braid in the girl's hair. 'Can I have a braid too?' Maeve looked at Lizzie who was busy braiding Jane's hair. "Of course darling. Just sit on the couch and mom will do your hair in a moment.' Lizzie said.

Maeve did as her mother said and sat down on the couch. Lizzie put an elastic in Jane's hair and the braid was finished. 'Voilà. You look beautiful.' Lizzie said. Jane jumped off the couch. 'To see?' She looked at Lizzie questioningly. 'Guard. I'll take a picture of it.' Lizzie grabbed her phone and took a picture of Jane's braid. Then she showed it to Jane. 'Nice.' Jane said looking at the photo.

'Now I want.' Maeve crawled onto Lizzie's lap. Lizzie grabbed the hairbrush and first she started brushing Maeve's hair. "Do you want one or two braids?" Lizzie asked the girl. 'Two.' Maeve replied. Lizzie made two braids in Maeve's hair and she looked satisfied at the result. It didn't look bad for an inexperienced mother.

'We are home again!' Chris walked into the garden with Dodger. Dodger was on the phone. 'Daddy!' Maeve ran to her father and threw her arms around him. Lizzie looked at it, smiling. 'Hi darling. You have such beautiful braids.' Chris looked at the braids in Maeve's hair. "Mama made." Maeve replied. 'Wow. Mom is good at that.' Chris smiled at Lizzie. "And Jane has a braid too." Maeve walked to her sister and grabbed her hand. She pulled Jane forward and Jane looked shyly at Chris. "Wow Jane. How beautiful!' Chris complimented her. Jane had a smile on her face.

'Hey Lizzie, when I was just walking Dodger I suddenly had an idea. The garden is still quite boring now. There is only grass. I think we should renovate the garden.' Chris said. 'What do you want to change then?' Lizzie asked. 'We can turn it into a play palace for our princesses.'

'You got it dude!' Maeve shouted enthusiastically. Lizzie laughed. "Looks like Maeve likes that idea." Chris chuckled. "I'm going to the store in a moment." He promised. "By the way, speaking of that iconic phrase. My sisters will be coming over soon.' Helped Lizzie remember him.

"Mary-Kate and Ashley?" Chris asked. Lizzie nodded. 'Oh nice! I don't think I'll be gone very long. I'm just going to take Dodger inside and then I'll go straight to the store.'

'Is good. Then I'll see you again soon!' Chris said hello to everyone and then he left for the store to buy things for the garden.

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