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A week and a half passed and Lizzie knew it was time to talk to Robbie. After her conversation with Scarlett, she had thought about it a lot.

"Robbie, we need to talk." Lizzie looked in the mirror with a serious face. "Robbie, we need to talk." She repeated her sentence. She sighed. Chris, Maeve and Jane were playing in the garden so she also had to hurry if she wanted to call Robbie. Lizzie took her phone out of her pocket and dialed his number.

The phone rang. 'Lizzie, finally! Is everything all right?' Came Robbie's voice on the other end of the line. 'Hey. Um yes. Sorry it took me so long to call you.' She apologized to the man. 'It's okay. Where are you now?' Robbie asked.

'In New York City.' Lizzie replied. 'Oh. And your daughters too?' Robbie asked. 'Yes. You know, I understand if you don't like me anymore. It's a crazy time and I'm very busy.' Lizzie began. Robbie interrupted her. 'Lizzie, I understand that you need time and I still really like you. I think about you every day, twenty-four/seven. I'm just worried about you.' He said.

Lizzie had a smile on her face. "That's sweet of you." She replied. 'When do I see you again? Can't I visit you?' Robbie asked. 'That won't work at the moment. Jane and Maeve have to get used to this situation and they don't like strangers very much.' Lizzie said quickly. The last thing she wanted was for Robbie to come over. She really shouldn't think about that.

'Oh okay. I have to go now. I'm going to rehearse with the band soon.' Robbie said. 'Okay. Good luck.' She wished him. 'Thanks babe. I love you.' He said. Lizzie looked at her phone. 'Day.' She hung up and then flopped down on the bed. This was the worst phone call she had ever had.

Why couldn't she just say it like it really was? It seemed like she deliberately didn't want to mention that she lived with Chris, but who cared? She had nothing to do with Chris. The only reason she was living with Chris now was for her daughters, so as not to make the situation more difficult.

Lizzie walked out of her room and went downstairs. She found Dodger in the living room. "Hey buddy." She sat down on the couch and her four-legged friend immediately sat next to her. 'What crazy weeks it has been.' She stroked the dog's fur.

It was strange to see Dodger again after so long. She used to lie next to the dog on the couch every day. Chris was filming at a shelter and that's where he found Dodger. He immediately called Lizzie to ask if he could adopt the dog. Lizzie hesitated at first. They were both actors and that meant they were away from home a lot. Could they do that to their dog?

After much insistence and sending many photos of Dodger, Chris convinced her and they took Dodger into their home. Lizzie hadn't regretted it for a second. Dodger was such a sweet dog. She didn't understand why someone had gotten rid of Dodger. He had changed Chris and her life so much. It hurt her deeply that she had to leave Dodger behind when she and Chris broke up.

Lizzie turned on the television but when she saw she was on the news she immediately turned it off. It was still world news. No one could stop talking about how Jane and Maeve had suddenly been found after four years of missing. It was a strange story and it left people with a lot of questions. Lizzie also had a lot of questions but she didn't really care. She had her daughters back and that was the most important thing.

Too bad the press had to write all these made-up stories about it. Many paparazzi photos were taken of Chris and Lizzie as they walked down the street to do their shopping, which was also a reason for them to keep their daughters indoors for the time being. No one thought about their privacy. Everyone wanted to enjoy the fact that the twins were back home, but no one thought about the feelings of Chris, Lizzie and the children.

The back door opened. 'Here we are again!' Came Chris's voice. Dodger jumped up from the couch and ran towards his owner. "Whoa Dodger. Calm down boy.' Chris said. Maeve giggled and petted the dog's head. Chris picked Jane up and he took her into the living room.

'Hey. How was it? Did you have a good time?' Lizzie asked as Chris walked into the living room. Chris sat Jane down on Lizzie's lap. 'Yes, but I think it would be more fun to go and have a look at the playground tomorrow. There's not much to do in the garden.' Chris told.

'What do you mean?' Lizzie looked at him questioningly. 'There is a playground a few streets away. Maybe we can take a look there tomorrow.' Chris said. Lizzie didn't answer. She didn't like it. They were soon recognized!

"Yes, I want to go to the playground." Maeve walked into the living room. 'Hi darling. Was it fun outside?' Lizzie spread her arm and Maeve gave her a hug. 'Yes. We went to play ball and Dad was really bad." Maeve said. 'Really and truly?' Lizzie looked at Chris who had a grin on his face. "I'm glad you guys had a good time." She said.

Lizzie sat Jane down next to her on the couch and she stood up. I'm going to make you something to drink. You must be thirsty.' Lizzie walked to the kitchen and Chris followed her.

'Hey um Lizzie. About what I just said. I think it's a good idea to let the kids socialize a bit more. How about we invite my parents to come over this week? And maybe your parents or sisters?'

'Socialize? Is that a good idea? They've only known us for two weeks.' Lizzie replied. "Scarlett, Rose and Cosmo were doing well too." Chris tried to persuade her. "That's just three people." Lizzie contradicted him. 'I really know what is good for our children.' Chris said. 'What is your point? That I don't know what is good for our children? Now you're really talking nonsense.' Lizzie looked at him angrily. Chris sighed. 


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