chapter 3 | breaking the news

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-ˏˋ autumn, new york

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-ˏˋ autumn, new york

Soft rays of morning light filtered through the curtains of Minjee's room, casting a warm glow upon her. Her eyes fluttered as the light graced them, waking her up. Whining, she stretched her limbs, before turning around in her sheets to try and get some more sleep.

Just when she relaxed again, she recalled what happened the night before.

As if struck by lightning, her eyes flew open, banishing any trance of drowsiness. She sat up abruptly, her heart pounding as she frantically checked her wrist.

The cloud symbol greeted her gaze.

Relief washed over her, and she traced the lines with her fingertips, confirming the reality of the connection.

It wasn't a dream.

It was then that she sensed his lingering presence in the depths of her mind. It was different from before, not as overwhelming but undeniably there. Maybe it changed with how much they interact. She'd had to test that out soon.

Unable to contain her excitement, Minjee leaped out of bed, propelled by a surge of energy.

She practically stormed into Yuna's room. Her friend, who somehow had managed to nestle herself under the warmth of her blankets in her sleep, was still sleeping peacefully.

Without thinking twice, Minjee pounced on Yuna, startling her awake.

"Yuna! It wasn't a dream!" Minjee exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with exhilaration.

Yuna, bewildered and groggy, struggled to catch up.

"What...?" When she noticed her best friend practically on top of her, with no other threat around, she pushed Minjee off of her. "Damnit Minnie, why are you attacking me at this ungodly hour?"

But Minjee's bright smile persisted, grinning from ear to ear.

"You don't understand. It finally happened!"

"You're really not making sense right now," Yuna closed her eyes again, turning away.

"No, no. Don't go back to sleep. Look!" Minjee thrusted her wrist in front of her best friend's face.

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