chapter 20 | los angeles

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-ˏˋ winter, los angeles

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-ˏˋ winter, los angeles

Minjee adjusted her hat and pulled up her face mask as the doors to the airport entree hall slid open. She was a few steps behind BTS, enveloped in the efficient bustle of their staff, as they all moved swiftly through the crowd.

Cameras clicked and fans cheered from a distance, held back by barriers and security.

She watched, slightly awestruck by the precision and speed at which everyone around her operated.

Minjee observed the organized chaos, her presence unnoticed by the fans who were more focused on catching a glimpse of the idols instead of the group of staff members that trailed behind them.

Once outside, she watched as the members of BTS waved to fans before they were quickly escorted towards a sleek, black SUV. Their every move shadowed by cameras and staff as they disappeared behind tinted windows.

"This way, Minjee," one of the friendly staff members guided her towards the separate van, meant for staff members.

She slipped into the van, the cool air of the air conditioning welcomed her as she settled quietly among BTS's team. The space inside was less cramped, filled with the soft hum of ongoing discussions about schedules and logistics.

As the vehicle pulled away from the curb, Minjee pressed her face slightly against the cool glass of the window, taking in the rapid change of scenery.

California greeted her with open arms. The climate was warm, and the air had a certain lightness absent from New York's dense atmosphere.

Palm trees lined the streets, standing tall against the clear, expansive sky. Quite the contrast to the towering skyscrapers of Manhattan.

The streets thrummed with a different kind of energy, vibrant and laid-back all at once, and she could see people dressed in sun-friendly attire, perfect for the typical sunny days of the West Coast.

This wasn't her first trip to California, but it was certainly the first that felt more personal and less rushed. Previously, her visits were brief and strictly professional - quick performances followed by immediate departures.

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