chapter 24 | heading home

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-ˏˋ winter, los angeles

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-ˏˋ winter, los angeles

The word was out: Park Jimin has found his soulmate.

The news had taken the world by storm, and if the article from Dispatch hadn't gotten them enough attention, the official statement from Big Hit Entertainment certainly sealed the deal.

Minjee had ignored her social media all day, turning off all notifications to enjoy the remaining moments with her soulmate and the members of BTS in their Los Angeles bubble. Their time in the west coast city was drawing to a close, which meant going back to reality.

The group had enjoyed numerous games together, their playfulness and easy laughter had filled the hours.

Not once did Jimin stray far from her side, again sleeping in her room that night. Cuddling came natural for the affectionate soulmates, showering each other in attention.

Now, as dawn ushered in the day of their departure, Minjee stirred from her peaceful sleep, finding herself locked in Jimin's embrace. The elegant man was still asleep, his face buried between the plush pillow and her dark waves.

After taking a moment to simply admire him, she slipped quietly from his hold and the sheets to check her phone for the first time since the news broke. Her Twitter was abuzz– thousands of new followers, endless notifications. #JiminFoundHisSoulmate still dominated the trending topics. While she spotted some weird tweets and some hate, to her relief, most of the reactions were surprisingly positive.

Chuckling softly at a particularly funny meme someone had made about their 'detective skills', Minjee shook her head in amusement. The world was fast, but ARMYs were faster. She snapped a screenshot to show Jimin later, sure it would make him laugh.

Jimin had stirred, watching her with a soft smile as he heard her giggles.

"What's the verdict? Has the internet survived?" He asked, his voice still rough from sleep.

"Looks like it," Minjee grinned, hopping back into bed to show him her phone. "Look at this– they're even making memes."

Jimin laughed, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

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