chapter 11 | fateful invitation

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-ˏˋ winter, seoul

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-ˏˋ winter, seoul

The air vibrated with the intense yet graceful strains of Black Swan, wrapping around the spacious practice room at BigHit Entertainment.

Seven figures moved in sync through the choreography, their bare feet whispering against the floor, guided by their own determination and the watchful eyes of Hoseok and their staff. Their schedule for promotion and music video shooting was coming up, so they had to put in the work.

Jimin let the melody guide his every move, fully immersed into perfecting his part. Eyes sharp and movements precise.

The song's final note lingered, leaving a charged silence as they all struck their final pose. The air was thick with focus as they held it for a few seconds.

Then, as if on cue, they relaxed, their disciplined stance dissolving with laughter and giggles.

"Man, I'm beat," Jungkook groaned dramatically, as he collapsed onto the floor, arms spread wide as if to embrace the floor itself. "Can we take a nap?"

"Speak for yourself," Taehyung playfully chimed in, kicking his friend's leg. "I could go for another run-through!"

Jungkook quickly grabbed Taehyung's leg, which ended up with the two of them entangled in a playful scuffle. Jin couldn't resist joining in, trying to help Taehyung, but the muscle bunny was too fast and too strong for the both of them.

Giggles and yelling filled the practice room.

Amid the chaos, Jimin stood by the mirrored wall, going over his movements again. His eyes concentrated, but a giggle escaped his lips as he listened to the banter around him.

He saw Namjoon going over his own moves from the corner of his eye, completely ignoring the chaos, while Hoseok was enjoying the scene, laughing and filming his friends with his phone as he sat on the floor.

Yoongi stood close to Jimin, following his moves in tiny yet dramatic gestures, making the graceful man roll his eyes, a smile playing on his lips.

Just as Jimin opened his mouth to tease him about it, the door to the practice room swung open, revealing their manager, Sejin, with a grin that promised exciting news.

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