chapter 26 | seoul

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-ˏˋ spring, seoul

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-ˏˋ spring, seoul

Spring had come, and with it, the Swan Lake shows were in full swing.

Minjee and her ballet group were touring the well known show around the states, and due to the overwhelming demand, their company had decided to branch out their performances to South Korea.

Their ballet shows had been packed, more than usual, with a noticeable increase in younger audience members.

ARMYs had come to support her, curious to see the soulmate of their beloved idol.

The cheers and enthusiastic applause from the fans added a new layer of energy to the performances. It fueled the ballerina, pushing herself to give each of them a show to remember.

While the rest of the ballet group remained in the States for a bit longer, Minjee flew ahead to South Korea, a few days before the scheduled performances. She was eager to reunite with Jimin and spend time with him and the rest of BTS.

It had been a while since she last saw him. Weeks, months, and the distance had only intensified her longing.

Minjee landed at Incheon International Airport in the afternoon, her heart racing with anticipation. As she made her way through the bustling terminal, she could feel Jimin's presence through their bond, his excitement mirroring her own.

He communicated with her through their connection, guiding her on where to go once she retrieved her luggage.

'Where should I go?' She asked, weaving through the crowd.

'Head outside, I'm waiting for you there,' his voice echoed in her mind, filled with warmth.

She hurried through the final stretch, her suitcase trailing behind her.

The moment she stepped outside into the cool spring air, her eyes scanned the area, searching for the familiar face she had missed so much.

It didn't take long to spot him.

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