Behind it

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I was just in my room trying to review every detail I need to know, and what catches my attention the most is the Briar family. 

I've known Yael Briar almost my entire life. How could not? He is my teacher after all. 

Yael Briar who betrayed his own kind and was punished by penalty, but in reality, he died in combat. 

This is what we spread in the globe, to make everyone believe that he betrayed everyone, but it was  only one of his wishes to protect his family.

Celine Briar, is the wife of Yael Briar and the mother of Yor Briar and Yuri Briar, who later then found out about his husband's true identity.

Although, we tried to keep them safe, but she still ended up with Yael, now their children were suffering.

They have suffered enough, and I wanted to save them, but I only have to save one of them from that orphanage, and that would be his first born, Yor.

Yes, I have been studying them. I know everything about them and it is not a coincidence that I just happen to like Yor. I wanted to get her out of there to raise her as my little Warrior Flower Princess. My daughter, my apprentice.

I know she turning ten this year and her brother, Yuri, just turned three.

I know, right?  Yuri was just a baby when his parents died. He never even get to meet them personally.

I flip the paper to the other page and saw an article about the orphanage she's been.

Safe Pawn, Education, Care Taking, and Regular Enlightenment. 

That was where Yor I found, but something is already fishy as soon as I step on that place, I knew something's off.

Just when I was about to figure everything out, a ring from my little communication rang. 

"Hey, honey, need something?" I asked, and no one answered. "Honey?" I called.

I was starting to get worried for no one is answering. "Yasmin?"

I waited a few seconds that felt forever. was getting more and more impatient, so I hurried myself to her room.

Damn it! What if something happens to her? I thought as I hurry my way to her room while clenching my teeth.

Her room was supposed to be near, but it felt like I have been walking forever. 

Just what is wrong with me? I thought.

When I reach her door, I immediately wnet in without knocking and search for her everywhere.

"Yasmin! Yasmin, where are you?" I was starting to panicked that I couldn't find her, but her bathroom door is slightly open, she must be there. When I went in, I felt my world is about to crash as I see her lying on the floor. "Yasmin! No! No, no! Yasmin, can you hear me?!" I said slightly slapping her.

For a second, I lost myself of control, but I have to stay calm for her.

With that, I carry her and went in the garage where I can put her in my sports car's  passenger seat, I fasten her seat belt and went to the driver's seat.

I drove as fast as I can. I hit the traffic so, I look a shortcut to go to that hospital where I can only trust.

The Royale Hospital.

The Royale Hospital was owned by a friend of mine who happen to be a part-time doctor, part-time vigilante, and a full time lover.

Yes, someone like that exists in the world, and she is the only one I trust the most, other than the one who saved the lives of my brothers.

When I arrived to the place, I stop the car in front of the emergency room and toss my keys to one of the guards to take care of my car, then I carry her to inside.

When I went inside, I saw that friend of mine.

"Selina! Selina!"

When she turned she was more than shocked to what she saw. "What ha-"

"Questions later."

She snapped back to the reality. "Ok." She said. "Nurses and doctors, please assist me now." She said then carry her in the ER.

Of course, I have to stay put and wait for her outside the room. 

I was getting impatient that my right legs won't stop tapping the floor, then I suddenly remembered about what I was working on. Maybe that would lighten my mood.

I took my phone out from my pocket and went to my notes to write it. 

It kind of took my some time to realized it that this is one of the Organization who also experiments the innocent children through what they eat and drink.


The SCEPTREs were one of the organization who experiment on children without them knowing. These people are heartless, if they have something to do one whatever is happening to her, I kill them all 

I could really smash my phone into pieces, but I have to remind myself that I just bought this. 

When Selina came out, she had a disappointed yet confused look. I can't even tell if she's alright or not.

"Selina, is she alright?"

"I'm not sure."

"What do you mean?" I said with a frown.

"Tiff, where did you find this girl? She doesn't seem normal, but I know she's his daughter, but still." 

"She is from the orphanage."

"What orphanage exactly?"

I sigh as I try to be as patient as I should. "This orphanage is an organization. The SCEPTRE."

She was just as shocked as I am when I found out.

"When did you?"

"I just found out." I said looking away with a scowl." Now, care to tell me what the is happening to her?"

"Tiff, has she been vomiting or eating the food she dislikes?"

"Selina, that's-" I cut myself as I remember everything she told. From the food she dislike to the position and everything. "Selina, please tell she's not..."

She close her eyes with a sigh then opens them. "She is having a bun in the oven."

Hearing those words from her is just too hard to believe. But how? She's just a child and... unless... I thought.

I was about throw a tantrum or go to that so-called orphanage to beat the hell u whoever raped her but she stopped me.

"Tiff,  you gotta calm down." She said stopping me. "Throwing a tantrum or beating the responsible will not solve anything." She calmly said.

"How are you so calm?"

"I am angry, but letting our emotions take over us will not help us, Tiff." She explained. "When she wakes up, you may ask her, but be gentle, ok?" She said then made her way back to, probably, her office.

When the doors opens, I went to check her out, and she's in a deep sleep. "She is going to be alright, Your Highness." One of the doctors said.

I just followed them to the room they provided her.

You're gonna be alright, baby. I thought worriedly

Twiyor x OC: Accidentally in loveWhere stories live. Discover now