Along came a spider

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No one pov:

Y/n and her friends were picking pumpkins for Halloween,sari picked a big pumpkin when bulkhead accidentally smashed it y/n just picked a small pumpkin and bumblebee picked it up "are sure you want this?there are better pumpkin than this small one." Bumblebee asked "I'm sure bee." She said with a smile Y/n wasn't big on Halloween but it's fun to dress up,"so the purpose of this Halloween is to disguise yourself to frighten strangers and extort sugar infused nuggets? Optimus asked "you say that like sound it's a bad thing,the most important part about Halloween is picking the right costume it has to make a statement and it must get people's attention." sari explained "and those sugar infused nuggets are called candy." Y/n explains then saw Optimus stand in front of a Halloween decoration it was a spider and he kept staring at it,y/n was confused.bulkhead had a bedsheet on his head and scared Optimus "what's got you so jumpy boss-bot? Bumblebee asked "just a ghost,from my past." As Optimus walked off y/n was confused but bulkhead and bumblebee shrugged "nice scare big guy but you're gonna need a bigger bedsheet." "Alright I should get home so I can put on my costume and crave my pumpkin so I see you guys later." y/n said as she ready to go home with her pumpkin and wave at them and got home.

y/n got home and craved the pumpkin that she got "why was Optimus was staring at that spider?" She asked herself then she painted the pumpkin with (f/c) and (s/f/c) paint after that she put on her costume and head to the base.when she got there she saw bumblebee and sari,bumblebee was a vampire "hey guys." Y/n said "hey y/n" sari greeted her "hey starl-l-l-l-l..." Bumblebee felt his faceplate going up in flames she had a witch costume she looked adorable.

" Bumblebee felt his faceplate going up in flames she had a witch costume she looked adorable

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"Woah y/n that's an awesome costume!" sari complimented her "y-yeah n-nice c-c-costume y-y/n." "Umm bee are you alright?" Y/n asked "y-yeah." Bumblebee said looking away "hey guys I finally found something big enough for my ghost costume." Bulkhead said, he looked at y/n then blushed "nice costume." He says then y/n and sari sniffed then coughed "ugh bulkhead where'd you get that?" sari asked him "it was just draped over some house,weird place for a bed sheet huh?" "Ugh that's not a bed sheet that's a fumigation tent." sari explained "really?what's a fumigation tent?" He asked as bugs clawed out "so where's your costume sari?" Bumblebee asked "ahah it's a surprise." Then we looked at Optimus he looked space out "in fact I got a lot of surprises planned." She said as she used her key to power up the machines to use to scare Optimus with a fake spider.he freaks out then chops the spider with his axe then he looks that sari "somehow I think when the all spark powered your key it had something more in mind then Halloween fun,you shouldn't use it unless it's absolutely necessary." Optimus said "hello how necessary was it to use your axe on a fake spider." sari said Optimus stared at the remains of the fake spider "Optimus are you okay?" Y/n asked "I'm fine y/n." "If you need to talk just tell me." Y/n said concern about her friend.


sari had on her costume "Optimus!" She yelled for him "check out my costume." She dress as Optimus "oh look at me I'm Optimus and I'm scared of spiders." Bumblebee and bulkhead chuckled "that not what I sound like,is it?" He ask."last chance to join us boss-bot." "yeah it'll be fun." Y/n said "thanks but uh I'll past,just be careful out there alright." "Don't worry we'll keep these two out of trouble,transform and roll out." sari said,Optimus glared at her "sorry couldn't resist." Y/n giggled.

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