Survival of the fittest

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No one pov:

Y/n was watching as Prowl was teaching sari how to fight,sari tried to kick him but since she is a human and smaller than him didn't did anything "sari you need to concentrate." Prowl said "give her a break Prowl,humans don't have turbo balance thrusters." Bulkhead says as he help her up "or padded bumpers." sari said "sari's only eight" y/n said "I feared that Prowl is right as keeper of the key sari is a potential target of the decepticons,which means she must learn how to defend herself." Optimus says "we won't always be there to protect her now try it again and thrust with your legs like this." Prowl then shows her "got it this time no worries." sari tried again trying kick bulkhead then nothing happened.bulkhead acted like sari kicked him hard and crashed into crates "too much?" He asked,then y/n walked over to autobots "hey y/n why you always wear that necklace?" sari asked "oh my mom said it belongs to my father before that it belongs to my grandmother and said it was special." Y/n said looking at her necklace.


Y/n pov:

I got home started help mom to prepare dinner then blitzo was looking at the window properly just a squirrel after dinner I went back to my room with tea because I have trouble sleeping sometimes and with blitzo by my side,I drifting off to sleep maybe it was because I was tired but I swore I heard something but I closed my eyes properly nothing.

(In the morning)

I woke up because my phone was ringing and answer it "hmm bumblebee?" I said drowsy because I just woke up "y/n!sari missing!" That me woke up fast "what..." I admittedly got dressed and head to sumdac tower to meet them and met the autobots and captain fanzone "I'm here guys!" "Y/n!" Bulkhead says and I ran over and stand next to Prowl "any news on sari?" Optimus asks "sumdac says she spent with day with you guys yesterday,anything out of the ordinary happened?" Captain fanzone asked us."just the usual stuff hanging out,teaching her ninja nerve blows,watching cartoons..." "woah back up what was that?" "Watching cartoons." "No before that." "Ninja nerve blows." Then captain fanzone facepalms "you're teaching an eight year old to do nerve blows?" He questions the autobots "you want her to pick it up in the street?" Ratchet asked "this is every protoforms elemental programming." Prowl explains "say what?" "Yeah it's not like we're having her fight decepticons." Bulkhead says "yet." "Has it ever occurred to you that hanging out with autobots is maybe I don't know dangerous for girl?" Ratchet and bulkhead look at each other and Ratchet shrugs "define dangerous.".Then Optimus and I saw something in one of the cameras "wait a minute...roll that back." The robot at the desk rewind the video footage it looked like one of the Dino-bots "is of the...Dino-bots?" Optimus asked as they looked at the footage "the robot dinosaurs impossible." "We never did find out what happened to them after they escaped." "Think we ought to tell prime." Bulkhead whisper to me and Prowl "what?that we moved the Dino-bots to an island and never thought of mention it to him?" Prowl told him "but,sari could be in trouble." "This is my responsibility,I'll go to the Dino-bots." "Oh no not without me." "I'm coming too." "Fine we'll head to island after dark and y/n stay close to us." Prowl told me and I nodded.

(At the docks)

No one pov:

Y/n,bulkhead and Prowl went on a boat heading to the island then they "I knew we shouldn't have left those Dino-bots loose what if somebody finds them here?" Bulkhead says Prowl removed the hologram trees "that does not appear to be an issue at the moment." There's were no signs of the Dino-bots "There gone?" They slid down and looked around."no sari and no Dino-bots?what if they hurt her!?we should have let sumdac melt them down like he wanted to!" Bulkhead said as he stomped at the ground y/n had to hold Prowl "no,they were more than just mindless machines they had a spark a life force we had to save them!" Prowl said "so who's gonna save sari and what if y/n gets taken by them?" "Bulkhead I'll be fine." They headed a different they were looking y/n thought she heard something "watch it quicksand." Prowl warned them "we see it you have to me a real glitch head to get caught in that." Then they heard someone yell for help "that sounded like captain fanzone.".

They went back to see he was sinking in quicksand after they got him out he asked the autobots questions then they saw the Dino-bots "someone want to tell what those things are here!?" He asked "captain remain still let me deal with Dino-bots they trust me." Prowl told him as he got closer to the Dino-bots "it's alright it's me Prowl the one who brought you here." "Intruders me grimlock destroy!" Grimlock roared then the pterodactyl bot tried to attack Prowl bulkhead push him away "so much for trust!" "W-wait don't hurt them!" Y/n tried to tell the Dino-bots then grimlock went over to captain fanzone but y/n got in between them "g-grimlock stop!don't you remember m-me...?" grimlock stared that her "grimlock remember human but...must destroy intruders!" He roared then bulkhead hit him before he attacked captain fanzone. "Seems pretty straightforward to me,they took sari and now they're trying to destroy us!" they continued to fight "why are you doing this!?" Prowl asked them "they're doing it because they're mean and dumb and we shouldn't have never help them escape!" Bulkhead yelled.

as they were fighting the pterodactyl grabbed Prowl "tell us what you done with sari!" Then bulkhead threw a tree at it they fell until Prowl transforms and bulkhead did to and grabbed y/n,as the Dino-bots were behind them they drove to into a dead end "we're trapped." Then they heard a voice "an excellent assessment." They looked up to see who it was "Prometheus black!?" Captain fanzone asked him "the name is meltdown." "What have you got to do with this?" "Everything,he's controlling the Dino-bots and he used them to take sari! I saw the acid burns on their outer casings." Prowl explain.then y/n went over to the Dino-bots "is it true...?" Y/n placed a hand on grimlock's head and he nuzzled her "very well observed,it's true the Dino-bots have learned to respect my touch" "me grimlock sorry but meltdown hurt Dino-bots." Grimlock said "they serve as effective if somewhat overqualified watchdogs it was a quiet a cruel finding an island with it's own security system,just when I was in a need of a little privacy to conduct some unique experiments." Meltdown said "where's sari what have you done with her!?" Bulkhead questioned him "oh yes the little girl my newest experimental subject." Meltdown "you miserable!" Bulkhead yelled as he tried attack him but meltdown burn him with acid "bulkhead!" They yelled then a trapped door appeared only y/n didn't get caught in it.

Y/n ran to bulkhead "bulkhead please be okay!" Y/n was crying then she saw a door "don't worry bulkhead I'm going to find sari just please stay." She ran to the door "this time I'm not just sit around and wait." She looked around until she saw sari "sari!" "Y/n!" "Are you okay!?did he hurt you!?" "No I'm fine now come let's find a way out." Then they saw Prowl and captain fanzone "over here!" "Sari!" "Sari you're alright!" Prowl said "you know prowl I won't always be there to protect." sari told him "sari bulkhead is down,we need to get him your key fast." Prowl said "this way it's the way they brought me in." sari said.They ran to where the way out but it's was closed but Prowl got them out just in.then went over to bulkhead "bulkhead,he's barley online sari the key!" sari uses her key then bulkhead wakes up "'re okay...I found'd I do that...?" Bulkhead asked "you're the best!" "How touching I do love happy endings it melts the heart along with other body parts." Meltdown said behind him a s Dino-bots then tried kicking him and missed "hehe what was that supposed to be?" Prowl then kick him "Duh it's called a distraction." Then captain fanzone ties him up then the Dino-bots got ready to attack "wait you don't have to do what he says look at him,he has no power now,he cannot hurt you." Prowl told them "meltdown can't hurt Dino-bots,Dino-bots hurt meltdown." Grimlock said as they transform into bots "what the..." "woah" "cool" "uhh they couldn't do that before...right..." bulkhead ask meltdown tries telling to keep them away him "your choice meltdown prison or do we leave you to your pets..." They closed in one him then the door blows open it was colossus rhodes and two monster like beings "this will not end well..." y/n thought.

(After that)

"Does human have to go..." grimlock said as Dino-bots looked sad "don't worry grimlock I try to find a way to visit you." Y/n said as each patted their heads they then pulled her in a group hug then she got on the boat and waved bye to them and they waved back she's gonna miss them as they were close to the city "hey y/n have Henry talk to yet?" sari asked "no he's studying." Y/n answers she's can't wait till he visits.


That's a another chapter done

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