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Y/n pov:

I was walking around with blitzo to the base because bulkhead called me about something about sari that's when I got call from Henry "hey angel" "hey doc how you doing?" We talked but why every time we talk I feel my heart beating like I was running a 5 miles and feel my face heat up "so when you come to visit do you wanna go out?...a-as friends!" I stuttered out,why am I so weird when I talk to him "o-oh s-sure!...anyway bye!" "Bye!" I hang up gosh why I'm so nervous about him?...that least I get to see him again I walked home but then I got a call from bulkhead.

I walk in the base "hey guys what's up?" "Oh hey y/n!" Bulkhead greeted me then I saw bumblebee "hey bee!" "hey starlight!" "Hey y/n!I got a question for you." sari said "sure what is it?" "Do you like-like Henry?" My face heated up again "Uhh I-I umm..." sari gasp "you like-like him!that's means you're gonna date him and get married!" Then we saw bumblebee's and bulkhead's face got darker bumblebee look like he was about to murder someone "that's not what I called y/n for..." bulkhead said then he explained everything to me.

"You lied to me you knew those street races demons were illegal." Bulkhead said "So?it's not costing us anything." "sari..." "how does pay-per-view not cost anything?" Bulkhead asked her "ugh fine I pirated the signal big deal you said so yourself those races are illegal." "sari that's wrong." I told her "so if they break the law that makes it okay for you do it too?" "Lighten up you two were supposed to be the fun bots remember?" Bumblebee said "yeah but we still got to set a good example she look's up to us" "hello she's look's up to everybody." "Hey!" "he doesn't mean that kind of look's up to,bumblebee." I told him "don't worry big guy I'll straighten the kid out." Bulkhead walks away "quick show me those races." "But what about-?" "Well duh keep the  volume down so he doesn't come back." Bumblebee said,I was about tell bulkhead but I got grabbed by bumblebee and he put me on his chest and held me tight "b-bumblebee!" I looked up at bumblebee he had a smirk on his face "sorry starlight." He says.

(No one pov)

They watch street demon "there see that blue racer?has he been in all the races?" Bumblebee asked "I guess." sari said "can you figure out where those broadcasts came from?" "Piece of cake." "The broadcast came from a piece of cake?" "Figure of speech bumblebee." Y/n said as she struggled to get out of bumblebee's grasp "never mind." sari found out where those broadcasts came from."No,sorry bumblebee." Y/n said looking away from bumblebee "Please starlight!" "Don't you remember the last time you used those boosters?" Bumblebee remembered but then he grabbed her chin and made her look at him with puppy eyes,though he felt his face heat up her pure (e/c) eyes that made him feel strange "I-I don't know b-bee..." she said a little nervous "welp you don't have a choice." He said as he picked her up in his arms carrying her like a bride"b-bee!?" Y/n yelp in confusion he just wanted to spend more with her he's been feeling strange lately...

They were under a bridge "this is where sari said the signal was coming from." "Bee please put me down..." y/n pleaded then they heard cars racing "here they come,and here I go." Bumblebee said as he transformed into his vehicle form and began racing and y/n closed her eyes not want to feel sick again "whoo-hoo!I only got the hang of these boosters!" Bumblebee said just then the others cars stop racing "okay...why'd you guys stop?" Y/n opens her eyes "I think that's why..." they saw a blue racer "oh wanna a little show down does he?" "Wah-oh goodbye attention." But they realize that bumblebee's tires were stuck in the mud and as the blue racer got closer "bumblebee!" "Hello scrap hep!" Bumblebee the blue racer approached bumblebee used reverse "hey!wait!will ya!?there's a pretty human in here!" The blue racer kept hitting him "so you want to play rough?" He transformed as y/n was on his shoulder "try on this on for size!" As the race car speeded toward them bumblebee quickly puts y/n down as he was going punch it,it stops,bumblebee and y/n were confused "oi!don't move a muscle or a piston or whatever you autobots things move." "Your master disaster from tv!" Bumblebee said "ah loyal paying customers." He said "well loyal anyway..." "I-I don't watch street demons..." y/n whispers "so what do you know about that blue racer that just beat the crumbs out of me?" Bumblebee asked "my star attraction,you could say he doesn't make a move without me." He said "what does that mean?" Y/n asked herself "so you know him?the driver?or is there a driver?" Bumblebee asked "what do you mean?you can't have a car without a driver,well present company accepted anyway forget about him the next real race is at 2 a.m under the elevated roadways near Dixon Werner,you in?you can also bring your little girlfriend too." He asked "will that blue buzz bomb be there?" Bumblebee asked he also really wanted to impress y/n "will you show up if he is?" "Slag yeah." Bumblebee answered "in that case you can count on it." Then he transforms and drove "I-I'm not his girlfriend!" Y/n yelled.

Bumblebee was feeling funny "bumblebee you know we're just friends r-right?" Y/n asked "y-yeah I...know..." bumblebee felt kinda disappointed,y/n just see him as a friend but bumblebee felt the opposite but when she's with 'him' they act like sparkmates even though she kept saying that "we're just friends." She'll say he knows the Prowl,Optimus,bulkhead felt the same "what does she see in him?he's nothing...not good enough for her...if I wasn't a autobot I no no d-don't think that..." a voice echoed in his head but snap out of it.

"Well night bee." She waved goodbye to him "night starlight." He said as she walked to her room.

(The next night)

Y/n was sleeping peacefully,she haven't been having the dreams and the headaches and her mom has a night shift that's when she heard a ringing "bumblebee?" She said groggily "hey starlight are you awake?" "*yawn* I am now..." y/n didn't had a choice but to go.

(At the race)

"We got lots of new subscribers for tonight's race good news travels fast like you ha." "Ugh he's even sleazier in person." sari said while y/n was fighting the urge to sleep "y-yeah...*yawn*. "Shh look what just rolled in." Bumblebee said they saw the blue racer "o-oh look at that it's the blue racer..." y/n said slowly and tired "you don't fool me decepticon." "I'm picking up an allspark fragment but not from him I'm gonna check it out." "sari wait!" Y/n was losing the battle of sleep until she closed her eyes "wait did she just pass out?" Bumblebee asked himself.

Y/n pov:

I didn't know how long I pass out until I felt a slap on my face "ow!" "Sorry y/n!" sari apologized to me "sari what's going on?" Then I saw bulkhead frozen in ice,I ran to him that's when I felt like I got grabbed by something "I nice to see you again my sweetspark!" I remember that voice "h-hey blitzwing..." "I miss you so much~" He said in his icy voice "okay blitzwing put y/n down and put your hands up." Bumblebee told him "my pleasure." He put y/n down and put his hands up but then he shot at the bridge causing it to collapse and crash into bumblebee "bumblebee!" I yelled. 

No one pov:

As bumblebee tried to get out of the rubble of the bridge as blitzwing was about to shoot at him "back off oil breath!" sari yelled as used something to control of blitzwing "now we're having fun." "Umm sari!" "sari!" sari realized that she was also controlling bumblebee y/n heard bulkhead groans "bulkhead are you okay!?" Y/n ran to him "listen up guys blitzwing is around here somewhere and he's-!" But he got knocked down by bumblebee "hehe oops..." then used the control to make blitzing to go to jet form a fly away "I told you out of the way,where did you get the idea that you can just do whatever you want?" "I can't imagine..." bulkhead said then y/n yawn "y-yeah b-bee I-I c-can't I-imagine t-too..." before she hits the ground bumblebee catches her "maybe I should take her home..." bumblebee said.

(The next day)

Y/n was reading her book "hey y/n..." she looks to bumblebee "hey bee." He sits next to her "sorry again..." "it's okay bee you said that for the tenth time today." She says as she leaned against him and he turns red.

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