Three's a crowed

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No one pov:

Y/n was looking at the small bottle that her grandmother gave her then she gotten a call from bulkhead "h-hey bulkhead what's up?" Y/n asked while still looking at small bottle then bulkhead told her something so she flew to sumdac tower to him and mix master and scrapper and a new bot she had never seen when they noticed her wings "woah!sweet thing is that you?" Mix asked "Loving the new look!I didn't know you had such beautiful wings!" Scrapper said as they looked at her, she was surprised that they remembered her and bulkhead was getting jealous "hey hey!show some respect she's a lady!not something you can just look at!and no flirting on the job!" the bot yelled at them "um...h-hi I'm y/n." She said kindly "the names dirt boss." He told her, then she flew to bulkhead "can you please tell me what happened?" She asked as she put on her necklace then bulkhead had to explain to her.

After explaining to her she sighed "I see..." then she had gotten a call from Henry then she walked out of the room and answered it "hey Henry what's up?" "Hey y/n, I was wondering if you wanted to talk a little?" Y/n looks back at bulkhead then she went to talking "um sure what's up?" "Look...I wanted to you that I...I was wondering if you wanted to hang out on Christmas?" Y/n was turning red then felt her heart was about to burst out of her chest then smiled "y-yeah!" They she hang up with smile on her face then she walk to the room then bulkhead told her what was happening then they left.

Y/n was following behind them holding on to her necklace when they stop a truck filled oil when bulkhead tried to stop when mix master threw cement at his feet then when y/n tried take off necklace scrapper tied to her up "what!?" "Sorry sweet thing,but now you hang with now." He says, she couldn't use her strength to get out of the ropes "bulkhead!" She yelled as they carried off "let her go!" He yelled.

Y/n tried everything to get her necklace off after the constructicons went somewhere with bulkhead and her and left her then she tried to worm out then she saw bumblebee who untied her then she took her necklace off then professor sumdac explained what was happening to the autobots then saw bulkhead swinging mix master around "pretty convincing act." Bee said "it's not an act bee..." y/n said "sorry guys can't help it, someone's making me do this!" "Got that right , I'm the boss around here, dirt boss now clamp that jaw and dent their venter so we can finish this job!" Dirt boss said, then they started to fight then y/n tried flying around to distract them "bulkhead it's me prime!I don't want to hurt you!" "I-I know!neither do I!" Then Ratchet removed the thing that was controlling bulkhead "thanks doc-bot." Then he walks over to mix "they say the squeaky servo gets the grease." Then he swings him around then mix lands on scrapper then a fire lite up, when scrapper and mix master tried to run they got stuck.

Optimus and Ratchet tried to put out the fire "that tanks gonna blow!we can't contain the fire!" "Perhaps we can transport it." "The plasma dynamic truster!great idea professor!" "Wait, isn't that the thing that sent Megatron transwarping randomly around the galaxy?" Bumblebee asked "well yeah but I think I can reprogram it for a shorter distance." Bulkhead said "I hope you know what you're doing." After bulkhead reprogram it he threw it that the tank then it transwarp then a explosion.

"*sigh* it's over." "Not quite, we still have a decepticon to haul away, a big decepticon." Optimus said.


Y/n sighed then looked at her phone with pictures of her and her friends then she got a phone call "hello?" But didn't hear a voice so she hang up then went to bed then she thought about that bumblebee told her about longarm and how he was the spy and she couldn't believe that he was the spy but you never really know someone who they truly are then she closed her eyes hope in the future would be better.


Hope you enjoy ☺️😊✨💕

Have a good day/night/day

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