Sound and fury

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No one pov:

Y/n,sari and bulkhead were looking at the display of a toy store "so what do you want for your construction date celebration?" Bulkhead asked sari "you mean my birthday?hmm I don't know something sweet something pretty something loud." sari said looking at the various of speakers and instruments "you're coming to my birthday right y/n?" She asked y/n nodded she seen as a big sister to sari "attention shoppers!" A little girl's voice said before a explosion happened and bulkhead covered y/n and sari so they didn't get hurt.when they looked up they saw a little girl dressed in a pink dress and wearing a mask and was on floating unicorn, "I am professor princess and I'm here to save you!" They were confused "from all these awful violet toys!" She yelled then throws toy flowers that the toys "how 'bout we take this somewhere else?" "You didn't say please." Before attacking bulkhead and knocking him down "bulkhead are you okay!?" Y/n asked making sure he was okay "ugh this girl needs to cut down on sweets!" sari said  then using her key to upgrade one of the speakers and blast music then as the little girl tried her unicorn to blast but bulkhead block the blast and then destroy the unicorn.the little girl started crying,"thanks sari couldn't have done it without cha." Bulkhead said as they fist bumped and bulkhead acted like if sari's hand was tougher than his "pllleeease." sari said Y/n giggled.

(Time skip)

"Do you think sari will like our gifts?" Bulkhead asks y/n "I'm sure she'll love them." Y/n said placing her hand on his and he blushed "thanks y/n." "For what?" "For being someone who we can talk to,what do we do without you?" Y/n smiles "we should get going." Then went to sari party.when they arrived at the party the autobots transformed into their robot form "greetings children and pleasant date of birth sari." Optimus said "I believe the term is happy birthday." Prowl corrected him "hey sari happy birthday." Y/n said "hey y/n!" sari yelled happy that her sister figure came "so what are waiting for?let's get this party started!" Bulkhead said running and knocked the kids down "oops.".

sari tried to hit the piñata "why exactly is she swinging at that colorful animal?" Optimus asked "because it's filled with candy and it's called a piñata." Y/n explains "hold on sari I'll help, I don't even need a bat." "W-wait bulkhead!" Y/n tried stopping him "this will not end well." Prowl said pulling y/n next to him as bulkhead tried hitting the piñata but crushed everything "how I do?" Bulkhead "the idea is to celebrate the kid's birthday not make it her last one." Ratchet said."so who wants to go for an autobot ride?" Bumblebee said as the kids cheered as the autobots transformed "hey!I just got ditched!" Bulkhead says "no we just got ditched." Bulkhead transforms back "I don't think those kids like me anyway." "I don't think they like me either." "I know just the thing how about opening up presents?" Dr sumdac said "yeah good idea." "Here sari it's not big but..." y/n handed her a small box and she opened it and gasped,it was a star bracelet "I love it y/n!" "And I know you like music." Bulkhead said as he was about to give her his gift but sari went over to a robot like box and she press one of the buttons and it revealed a robot and press it's buttons "I am soundwave." It said and started playing music and started dancing "this is awesome!one of the best present ever!" Y/n that robot in awe "so what were saying bulkster?" "Oh...nothing..." y/n was confused didn't he just about to give sari his gift?

(Time skip)

Y/n was reading a book and drinking tea she was a early morning person later she drawing in her sketchbook and then she got a call from Henry ever since they met again they said every day they called each other "hey Henry what's up?" "I was just thinking about talking to you." They talked about forty minutes before Henry spoke with bit of nervously "sooo are you dating someone?" "N-no I haven't thought dating someone before..." y/n was now blushing "o-oh well I guess I'll talk to you tomorrow k?" He asked "k." Why she was so flustered?

She went to walk to the park with blitzo then saw bulkhead looking kinda sad so went over to him "hey bulkhead why so sad?" "Oh hey y/n!I just...can I talk to you?" Y/n nodded and sat next to him and started talking "sari been acting different ever since she got soundwave." And after talking y/n motion him to pick her up and hugged his face and felt his faceplate heat up "you okay bulk?" She asked "y-yup and thanks for listening to me y/n." "That's what friends are for." She smiles blitzo barked "looks like someone what's to go home,see you later bulk." She says as bulkhead put her down and waved goodbye to him and headed home.


Blitzo was taking a nap y/n wanted walk a little bit so she put on her jacket and went out y/n was walking "hey y/n over here!" She heard bumblebee said "bumblebee?" She went over where he was until someone or something grab her it was soundwave but he looks different then she saw the mark that looked the one that starscream had he tilted his head "h-hey soundwave you l-looked different w-where sari?" She said nervously he didn't say anything but then put her over his shoulder while she screamed for help.took her underground then put next to sari "y/n!" sari yelled then they saw bulkhead "bulkhead!" sari yelled "sari is that you!?wait y/n!?" Bulkhead yelled then soundwave blasted music and knocked him down "I do not wish to hurt a fellow machine can you not see humans are the evil ones especially after the way this one treated you." Soundwave said but then grabbed y/n closer to him "but this one is,she treated you with kindness no human wouldn't do that." "Now that you mention it she did trade me in the second she got something...better and y/n did treated me with kindness better than her." "I didn't mean...I'm sorry bulkhead..." sari apologize for why she treated him "it's too late for sorry." He said coldly says "may you finally accept that humans are too difficult and unpredictable?machine are superior then humans I offer you the only logical solution...finish her." "Bulkhead please don't..." y/n says tears building up "sorry y/n...I've waited a long time for this..." bulkhead said was about to hurt her but winked,they realized something then he threw the punch but instead of sari he hit soundwave then he broke into pieces "still friends?" sari asked "still friends." They fist bumped "ow." "pllleeease." "I'm not kidding ow!" "I should get ice for that." Then y/n realized one of the metal scrap her leg and it bleed "what's that red stuff?" Bulkhead asked "it's blood,I should some bandages too.".


sari was teaching bulkhead how to play the xylophone "sooo y/n has Henry asked you on a date~?" sari asked teasing her "no I haven't thought about dating." Then she looked at bulkhead he looked like he was relieved but didn't think of it.


Finished another chapter hope you enjoy.

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