A fistful of energon

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No one pov:

Y/n and Prowl were watching deers until bulkhead scared them off "whatcha looking at guys?" Bulkhead asked "nothing anymore." "You need to be a bit more silent bulk." Y/n said "Prowl any sign of the Dino-bots?" Ratchet asked "negative Ratchet I'm starting to think those reports of rampages were nothing but exaggerations." "We're not taking any chances Prowl,that's why I had Ratchet lend you his emp generator and those stasis cuffs." Optimus said "still I hardly think they're necessary,the Dino-bots are territorial but if left alone they're perfectly happy." Then they heard grimlock roar and came charging at them "He doesn't look too happy to me!" Bulkhead said then grimlock knocked him down with his tail "grimlock!" Prowl tried talking to him "grimlock it's me!Prowl!" But he just kept roaring "is he in pain?" Y/n thought.

then grimlock saw a nest of baby birds and was about to shoot fire at them but then Prowl stop him with Ratchet's emp generator to stop him then nest fell but y/n caught them "gotcha!" And grimlock fell on the ground "woah you really nailed him." Bulkhead says "I had no choice." Then the Dino-bot came "hey guys it's okay." Y/n says as she walks towards grimlock and starts patting him "you better put the stasis cuffs on him he could come out of that." "I think we'll be all right for- hello..." there was a large spike wedge in his foot "Ratchet we a medical situation,a large spike is wedge into grimlock's foot." Then Ratchet explained how to remove it then when they did remove it grimlock roared "me grimlock better..." the slam into the ground,y/n pets his head and he purrs "aww..." he nuzzles her,Prowl puts back the nest back on the tree "guess you like that emp generator now huh?" Bulkhead asked "I wouldn't say that,but it is more useful than I expected,still we'll need sari's key to fix the damage to grimlock's foot." Prowl says "I'm afraid sari and bumblebee left on an important fact-finding mission this morning to some place called...five banner roller coaster kingdom." Optimus told Prowl.

Y/n was busy with the Dino-bots "y/n come on." Bulkhead said then they began walking "starscream may return to earth we should try to track him." Prowl says "how?we can't track any of the decepticons." "True,they've managed to mask their energy signatures somehow...but perhaps teletran one's more sensitive scanners would be able to pick up his signal,we could send up a probe from the ship." As they did,"that's strange,bulkhead are you reading what I'm reading?" Prowl asked him "well...what are you reading?" "An allspark fragment faint but unmistakable on the moon." "We should take the emergency shuttle and investigate." prowl said "yeah,wait...you want to what?" "We have stasis cuffs and an emp generator what more so we need?" "I don't know how about a little common sense?this is starscream we're talking about." "He's right Prowl." Y/n said "I suppose you're right." "You suppose?" Bulkhead asked.

"I gotta admit you had us going There Prowl,but then I thought hey it's not your style to do something crazy like go after starscream all by your-" they felt rambling "self..." the emergency shuttle go up in space "did he...?" y/n asked.


Y/n was drinking tea and worried about Prowl until she decided to go for a walk,as she was walking she thought she saw something so she went to investigate what was it and when she looked who it was she freaked out,it was starscream she scream and he scream then she was confused the starscream she knows he would've kidnap her,honestly y/n didn't know why she always gets kidnapped "hey i-it's okay..." she placed a hand on his and he gave a little nervous smile."y/n!" Prowl yelled her she saw a bot she never seen before "no!no please!leave me alone!" Starscream pleaded "maybe it's me but that doesn't sound the starscream I know." The bot said "get away!get away!don't hurt me!" He tries to fly away put Prowl chased after him y/n was amazed at Prowl's new upgrade "hey human need a ride?" The bot asked her "I-I guess..." they chased after them "quit showing off and keep your eyes on the prize." "Can I do both?" Then Prowl knocked starscream down then the bot puts stasis cuffs on him "you know you remind me of someone,oh yeah me,by the way what's your name human?" "Y/n." She answers "Lockdown nice to meet ya." Then he calls someone "lockdown to megatron." "You...you're working for megatron!?" "Who do you think issued that bounty?autobots?" "Lockdown I should have known you'd be going after starscream and the human." Megatron said "then I hope you're ready to fork over that bounty cause I got your bot and human right here." Lockdown said "w-wait w-what!" "where can we meet?" "There's a big abandon warehouse in old Detroit I like,I'm sending the coordinates now." "Don't take me to megatron please anything but megatron." Starscream pleads "don't worry your not going to megatron and y/n's not going either." Prowl said then lockdown caught him off and ties him up "Prowl!" Y/n yelled but got grab by lockdown "yeah they are,megatron pays way better than the elite guard as soon I get back with my reward you and I are gonna have a little spark to spark." Then he drove off with starscream and y/n.

Y/n was tied up with seatbelts and trying to get out then they arrived "so starscream the traitor it has a nice ring to it,you shall serve as a reminder to any decepticon who might-" then they heard a sound "eh?" Then Prowl jumped down "bring me the autobot interloper." Megatron ordered "don't do anything stupid Prowl." Lockdown told him then Optimus and Ratchet crashed right in "let them go megatron!" Optimus Prime said they all stand ready to attack "if you bots don't mind I'm going to take my bounty and run." "Silence fool!now then I- eh?" Just then bulkhead with the other starscream then y/n ran quickly to Optimus who then put her on his shoulder "what in the name of the allspark!?" "Umm two starscream...?" Y/n said  "Okay...you folks look like maybe you want to discuss this and maybe I'll just be the way." Megatron blast at lackdown "no one leaves until I find out which one is the real starscream." Just then the two starscream's chest plates open up and there were two bombs "did you really think I would offer so little a challenge?I allowed you to capture these clones to fulfill my plan to eliminate you all!particularly you mega fool!in moments you will be blown to bits and I will become the supreme leader of the all decepticons." "I think not traitor!" Megatron blasted the window rooftop then the decepticons transformed and flew up.

"Uh shouldn't we be going too?" Bulkhead asked "these bombs can destroy half the city!we have to stop them!" "We can't run,we can't contain the explosion but perhaps we can remove it." Prowl said "bulkhead!bring the two starscreams together!" Prowl used his mod to remove the bomb "take cover!" They took cover and Prowl held y/n closed then they heard a loud explosion.Optimus sighed in relief "good thinking Prowl." "Sorted out my shield mod." "And that slime bucket lockdown got away again." Ratchet says then Prowl got a call from lockdown "what you want lockdown?" Prowl asked "how about that spark to spark now partner?i've been thinking you and I are kind of kindred spirits like I said you've got a gift so how about you ditching those losers and going business with me?" "That's very flattering lockdown,but I've decided that all this over modification is strictly for weak processors playing with your toys have been fun for a while,but in the end it just wasn't me." Prowl said "oh no don't take it like that." "Do not contact me again unless you a strong urge to be captured and turned over to the elite guard." Prowl ends the call "thank you for leading me this,however I don't believe I'll be needing it again." Prowl gives back Ratchet's emp generator and Ratchet smiles.

(The next day)

Y/n was relaxing with Prowl when a bird landed on y/n's hand and she gently patted it on the head she giggled then prowl blushed "why is so cute!?" He thought then Prowl pulled her close to him "umm Prowl?" But y/n just let him.


Another chapter done and done 😊😁😉✨

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