Scenario:if they were Merbots

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Y/n was walking around the beach for a bit until she found a spot and set a blanket and sat on it and began to read a book until water splash on her "hey!" Y/n yelled luckily her book didn't get wet,she saw it was bumblebee "bumblebee!" He snickered "Oh come on seastar~" he teased her she sighed and decided to get in the water,she swam around with bumblebee until she saw a girl her age "bumblebee hide!" She whispered to him "um hi!" Y/n waved to her "hi." She said "my name is y/n!" "My name Emma." They began talking and swimming and got to know each other,bumblebee can feel jealousy in his heart "well I guess I should get going see you around cutie~" y/n blush.once she left y/n looked behind her to bumblebee looking hurt and pouting like she hurt him "um bee what's wrong...?" "Oh!what's wrong!?t-that's funny haha!" "Bee..." he didn't say anything at first "I don't want you to stop visiting us or leave us..." he said y/n felt kinda guilty and patted his head he couldn't help but purr and pull her to his chest.

Bumblebee was clingy when y/n visited and often tease her and gets really happy when she visits and they hang out together,bulkhead and y/n would make sandcastles together or draw in the sand or she'll bring art supplies to draw also being very protective of her,Optimus Prime often talks to her when he wants to talk to her and when he's with her he feels better and if y/n she talks to any guy or gal he would be jealous of them.Prowl and y/n would read books about sea life and sea creatures and often enjoy the sea and the sunset and stars or the quiet sea and Ratchet is less grumpy when she's around because she able to brighten up any area or anyone's day she was a ray of light.


Y/n was sitting on the dock and relaxing and drawing that's when a shadow hover over her she looked up to see blitzwing "hey y/n~" he purred she sighed "hey blitzwing." She said as she continued drawing and blitzwing just watching and sometimes glance at her with obsession everything about her is special.

Blitzwing is kinda possessive of her with his three personalities icy is cold to other but when ever y/n's around he feels spark flutter in his chest plate and with hothead he is more aggressive than his other personalities and often get mad at her when she's gives the other her attention and love and with random he is more possessive and often wants to hurt who ever messes with her,megatron never felt this way before with any bot before but y/n was the most beautiful human being he ever seen and won't hesitate to make other go offline and lugnut like y/n a lot because something about her was special and how kind and trustworthy she is and if anything happens to her he would destroy them.starscream thinks that y/n should be his and his alone because how sweet and kind she is to him the only being that has been ever kind to him and he loves her for that and he often talks to her about what he wants to talk about and she listens to him and black arachina loves y/n because she never is judging her about how she looks to her she's beautiful and amazing that's why black arachina is protective and possessive is she and also flirts with her.

Hope you enjoy 😊 

This was suggested by N0bodyandN0thingALT

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