Scenario:if they were cats

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The autobots:

Y/n was drawing in her sketchbook when something nudging her when she looked it was bumblebee he was meowing "what is bee?" Then she patted his head and he started purring "oh is that what you wanted?" Then she saw the others and they looked at her and realized they wanted pats "okay I pat all of you." After she patted bumblebee she patted the others and went back drawing.Later she was relaxing under a tree and she saw Prowl "oh hey Prowl." Then laid next to her "just wanted to relax too huh?" He just laid his head on her lap and she smiled.

Y/n walking in the park while the the autocats were behind her people were a little scared because they may be cats and protect humans but they were giant alien robot cats that were the size of tigers,panther and a wolf bulkhead was a size of a bear but somehow y/n wasn't scared of them but treated them like regular cats,bumblebee is an energetic cat and he always wanted to play games with y/n and kinda clingy but y/n doesn't mind and bulkhead wasn't a that much of a gentle giant but y/n wasn't scared of him even though he looked like he easily tear her apart but his not like that he's friendly and he's always being protective of her.

Ratchet is a old grumpy cat but y/n can tell that he cares about her and the others and mostly takes naps and doesn't mind pets,Optimus always wants to be next to y/n and keep her safe and meows when he wants cuddles and Prowl is the silent cat and rarely meows and people mistake him for a panther but y/n doesn't mind she cares about and likes to lay next to her them though they really get over protective of her.

Y/n was drinking a soda while drawing then a guy started flirting with "hey baby~" "umm hi..." she said confused as he was flirting with her she got uncomfortable that's when bumblebee nuzzles her to comfort her and gave the guy a death stare at him and the guy thought she have a wolf for a pet "umm b-bye..." he says and ran and y/n was confused but bumblebee made her forget.


Y/n was walking around until she felt being watched but didn't feel fear "oh hey." She says calmly then five giant cats walk out of the shadows,starscream went up to her and started nuzzling her "oh hey starscream!" She started petting him and he gave the others a smug look while they looked at him with jealousy and hatred towards him,y/n can tell that they're jealous because of their tails wagging "oh don't be jealous." She motions them to come to be patted and then they went close as they were being patted megatron pushes starscream before looking at him and growling "megatron no!" He stop and y/n check on starscream.

Megatron was more protective of y/n and kinda clingy whenever y/n gives the others attention he gets jealous and lugnut is a little more clingy when y/n's around and follows her around and and likes to be around megatron and y/n a lot,blitzwing is unique kind of cat being that he has three different personalities she even give them each personality a name icy is calmer though he acts cold he's more happy to be with y/n and likes when she's with him and likes snuggles and gives an icy stare at the other when she gives the others attention.

and hothead is more aggressive and when y/n's not giving him attention he meows loudly until she gives him attention but surprisingly he likes pets and random oh boy...he's a bit more energetic then the other personalities and often give her "gifts" like a snake likely not dead nor poisonous or a fish and wants her attention and starscream well megatron hates him and y/n doesn't like that so she treats him like the others and he tries to make megatron jealous or mad and mostly wants all of her attention and cuddles and arachina is another unique cat and y/n doesn't care if she's different then the others she quite literally looks like a cat with spider features but y/n doesn't mind and often black arachina nuzzles y/n and snuggles with her so people are afraid of them and have no idea how y/n isn't afraid of them.

They were enjoying the pats and her company "okay guys I have to go but I'll see you tomorrow okay?" She said they looked sad and a little mad but she told them that she promised that she'll she see them tomorrow and walk but they followed her to keep her safe that when they saw someone in alleyway looking at her in evil eyes as he was about to hurt her until he saw five giant cats and back away no way someone is messing with her as long they're around.


Hope you enjoy this scenario ☺️

I'm going back to making the chapters but for the next scenario you can request and I'll choose.

And now I'm going to take a four day break have a good day/night/afternoon 

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