Black Friday

392 13 3

No one pov:

Y/n, sari and the autobots saw the news about meltdown escaping prison "meltdown's escaped!?no way!" Bumblebee said "we were just talking to him why he break out now?" sari asked and y/n was worried about the Dino-bots they had been protective of her for a while now..."maybe meltdown wants to go after your dad again or turn a bunch of innocent humans into bat shark crab squid thingies." As bumblebee pulled y/n closer to him "Hey!" sari kicked him "what?I didn't mean you specifically although you gotta admit the guy has a thing for your family." Prowl changed the tv to a security camera, "bumblebee for once can't you keep quiet?" Prowl asked him "what do you mean?I can keep quiet anytime anyplace." Bumblebee replied "really?I'll bet you a case of axel grease that you can't keep quiet for ten cycles." Prowl told him "oh you're on!" Bumblebee said "I am so gonna win that axel grease." Prowl clears his throat "what?oh we're starting now okay well this time not a word zippo nada the mute button is on." Prowl just shook his head.

"look at this there's some kind of reflection if I increase the resolution we might be able to- there." It showed the Dino-bots "what?Dino-bots?but they despise meltdown, what could have possibly possessed them to spring him?" Optimus said "a get out of jail free card?" Bumblebee spoked "Not even a half a cycle..." "wait!give me another chance!" "We need to look into this." "Prowl you two know Dino-bot island like the back of your servos and y/n can knows how to calm them, bumblebee you come with me." Optimus told him, Prowl nods "transform and roll out!" They transform vehicles form and y/n got on Prowl's vehicle form then drove off.

(At Dino-bot island)

"All right be quiet and keep your sensors alert for any sigh of Dino-bots." Optimus told them "already being quiet didn't you notice." Bumblebee spoke "All right that was six and a half cycles tops." Prowl said "Agh!let me start over!" "Fine it'll be best if we split up to search the island but be careful, especially you y/n." Optimus knew that the Dino-bots wouldn't hurt her but still... "you bet I'll be careful, oh man not again..." then they split.y/n was looking around "grimlock!swoop!snarl!" Y/n yelled for them then..."ah!" she felt a sting at the back of her neck and felt dizzy then everything went black as she fall to the ground "you said human wouldn't get hurt!" Grimlock yelled as the Dino-bots surrounded her protective "don't worry she's just sleeping..." meltdown said then a web wrapped around y/n than a hand crease her face "I really miss her~".

Optimus walked until he saw grimlock "Prowl!bumblebee!I need backup!" "Oh I think they can help sweetie~" black arachina says behind him "huh!?black arachina?" Then he tries to grab her but he slams into a tree "surprised?" Then she tries blasting him with bumblebee's stingers "you...attack Prowl and bumblebee and stole their powers!" Then he realizes "wait...what did you do to my hu- I mean y/n!?" Optimus yelled "I prefer the term borrow...and as for that "my" human she's fine..." then swoop dropped bumblebee and Prowl and snarl had y/n on his back, Optimus gasped "but don't worry Optimus I gave them something in extra dose of venom and if I don't administer this antidote in two megacycles they'll go offline permanently!" Black arachina explained "give them the antidote now!and you let y/n go..." Optimus demands "actually that'll have to wait, I have a special mission for you and my old pal grimlock, my new pal meltdown has agreed to cure me of my organic contamination." "Oh yes, but I need a special genetic modifier to complete her conversion." Meltdown said "I am really looking forward to being all bot again~" black arachina said as she creases Optimus face.then grimlock charged at them then black arachina moves out of the way and he slams Optimus "you keep away from spider lady and pretty human!they like me grimlock best!" "Oh don't be jealous you know how I feel about you and the human~" flames comes out of grimlock "can't you be friends for little old me~?" Grimlock walks over Optimus and grabs him "you hear spider lady come with me grimlock!" "Promise you'll come back soon!for their sake!".

Y/n pov:

(In y/n's dreams)

I open my eyes and I realize I was that dream again as I laid down on the cloud I felt something weird on my back I sat up then I saw something...or was person but it was blurry like I was looking at though a flashlight...then they reach out a hand to me and...I felt a need hold the hand "who... are you?"...but as I tried to reach for the hand...

(Dreams ends)

No one pov:

Y/n opens her eyes and still felt dizzy then saw grimlock and Optimus "Optimus...?" she said still dizzy "rawr!no hurt spider lady or human!" "Oh gentlemen I was expecting you, do you have my genetic modifier?" Meltdown asked "you're not getting it until she gives the venom antidote to my friends and let go y/n." Optimus told him "I was afraid you might feel that way..." meltdown snaps his fingers and tentacles wraps around Optimus's face "Optimus!" Y/n yelled.

as Optimus and grimlock dealt with meltdown's creatures "since you seem to have your hands full I'll just take this." he grabs the genetic modifier "shall we proceed then?" He asks, y/n tried to get free "whatever it takes to get rid of this foul half of myself!" He starts the machine "uh about that...probably mention the slight change in plans." Meltdown says "what?" "Don't worry, I will be purging half of techno organic form just not the half you think and the girl will be useful for me." "You slimy traitor!you can't!I won't let you!don't touch my darling!", "I guess the Dino-bots never mentioned my disdain for machines and how attached they are to the girl." Y/n was scared and worried about black arachina "once we eliminate at your robotic half circuitry your remaining arachnid tissue will be perfect for my genetic experiments and I will finally achieve my dream of creating a transforming organic!" "No!" He pulls a lever "it's time for your extreme makeover!".

Black arachina struggles "you pay for double-crossing me!" Black arachina yelled "oh my dear you're hardly in a position to make threats." Meltdown told her "wanna bet?" She spits a web at his face but it melts "I'm going to free you from your crude mechanical limitations." Black arachina screams in pain "stop!please!" y/n yelled then saw a piece of scrap metal with a sharp end and had an idea then y/n got free and then she tried to stop Meltdown but he grabbed her the shirt "no don't!" Black arachina continued to scream in pain "stop!" Meltdown let go of y/n then tried to attack him but then Optimus grabbed the genetic modifier, he tried to get it back but he melted it then meltdown melted.

Optimus freed black arachina and y/n went to make sure she was alright " came back for me...and y/n tried to save me..." she said weakly "I promised I would and y/n is good person." "In despite of everything my feelings for you are still hardwired into my circuits..." grimlock was getting jealous and black arachina knew it "hold us closer..." "wat???" Y/n thought as Optimus hold them closer to him y/n was blushing because she was really close to black arachina, grimlock got really jealous then he tracked him down and y/n tried to stop him then black arachina escaped "I told you she was using us!look!she's gone!" "No!come back!spider lady!me grimlock love you and human!" He ran out and Dino-bots followed.


Optimus explain everything to y/n, they went back to bumblebee and Prowl y/n was crying "I'm sorry...I tried to save you..." the they saw the antidote "the antidote!she kept her word after all..." he gave them the antidote, they woke up "how long have we been here?" Bumblebee asked "almost two megacycles." Optimus answered him "ha!and said I couldn't go ten cycles without talking!" "Mm-hmm all it took was being paralyzed." Prowl said "what!?you making new rules now?I don't think so pay up with that sweet axel grease." Optimus and y/n just smiled.

(Time skip)

"So your spider lady friend blackmailed you and those whack job Dino-bots into helping her and then she took a powder?" Captain fanzone asked "well that's about the size of it, here I don't think meltdown we'll be needing this anymore." Optimus gave back the genetic modifier "what did you do!?it's ruined!" "Cheer up Mr.Powell it'll make a dandy paperweight." Y/n held in her laughter "He still broke into my office held me hostage and threatened my life!what are you gonna do about it captain!?" "Uh I'm gonna go home and get some shut eye and I suggest you do the same before I haul you in for being a public nuisance." Captain fanzone said "it's an outrage!the mayor will hear about this!" Mr.Powell walks away, "I almost feel sorry for him heh almost." sari said "you okay?" she asked Optimus "black arachina didn't have to leave that antidote, but she did..." "so maybe she's not all bad." "Yeah there may be hope for her yet." "I hope so..." y/n said then she saw a shadow of her then smile.


I hope you enjoy and have a good day/noon/night 😊😁☺️✨

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