Chapter 4 Hunt 18+ 🌶🍒🍑🍓🥒🍆🥜🫑♨️

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I asked a direct question and now ... Why , choose this ugly female? Don't lie for her! I , stare at them taking my straps loose.. There's my mark! " Also , we are expecting cubs ! So , let's be nice!"

They growl all except Eve ... Hmph , no way it's a female! " Eudora right? A , change in diet will help with conceiving ! Like , eat more fruits not just meat! And , also using good hygiene after sex , and estorus cycles!"

How will that help? They are pissed , Eudora looks like a gremlin with those teeth.. "Well , everything you eat has certain things , your bodies need to work at its best! Now ,your all carnivores but even carnivores need a bit of roughage , and fruits! Those ,things grow by sunlight ... it's , blessed differently than meat eat some of both!"

" Also , there are things that help moisturize our skin , helping us feel good ,stay pretty and make us smell nice!" Inochi smiles... My , mate isn't mean ! She , is very helpful! He, said proudly kissing my cheek. " Muah ,back at ya sexy!" I , gestured blowing a kiss , as he gestured catching it as he yips... we both laughed.

You're , too affectionate with your males! " I , understand how you think that but ... I , choose to show open affection deepening , the bond with them! It , is also a good thing for all of you ! You , know the feeling you see , on their faces when ,they know you love them is priceless !"

Eve , looks in thought ... You , mean like before mating? That look! " Yes , that and like the playful stuff we do , also helping our males shows our love, and devotion so they feel more appreciated!"

She , smiled a bit and the others have the pout looks ... Jessica! "Harvey come here!" The , meat is done! He blushed a bit " I , accepted this handsome , hunk as mate too!" Harvey is weak!

" He , can train with Inochi ! He's very strong , and Harvey will be too ! Besides ,there's more than one kind of strength!" What do you mean? " Harvey ,is a healer so he is a bit better at judging mood, and intentions! Also , kindness , and a healers heart are gems! All ,in their own way he is a treasure , just like my Inochi!"

I , kissed Harvey who froze at my words he purrs breaking for air ... Inochi , kissed me passionately I slap his ass he growls with a grin. I , slapped Harvey's he looks at me wanting ..

" See you all tomorrow!" Inochi lifts me tickling " Inoc hi I'm gonna get ya!" No ,my precious after our food ... we ,will have another meal! He and Harvey look at me ...

" Okay, but remember I have to be able to walk tomorrow!" He , chuckled looking at Harvey... We , have our ways ! " My sly fox , and hungry leopard!" I , sat on the furs and he brought me food .

" Go , get food and eat with me!" I waited and we all ate together I'm hearing ... Mmm , yum so I smiled being mischievous I , stood taking off my hides " Which ,of you wants to feed me?"

Harvey , broke meat off and I ate some, Inochi , smirks doing the same " Mmm , it is good! Now ,I should feed you both so who's first?" Harvey , took his tunic off I , wrapped my legs around his waist as he kissed me gently .

He , then peppered kisses down my neck . I , feel Inochi behind his ,breath on my neck tingles as he kisses my nape his claw enters her I moan. I grabbed Harvey's member and stroke he moans thrusting , Inochi enters another claw ,and another as I moan.

He , moved his claws lifting me as they both align thrusting in... as I , fell on them , pain turns to pleasure , we moan Harvey took purchase of my breasts , as Inochi turns my face into , a panting kiss a cacophony of moans, growls and yips made music ,through the forest.

After ,we rested we ate again and slept together all night... I , awoke sore between my fox , and leopard I ,looked for his mark it's also on my breast " Good morning , my handsome loves!"
I stroke their fur as they shifted Harvey , looks at his mark with tears." Don't cry ! I , need a bath can I get one?" Yes! He ,stood getting a bucket ... I will hunt ! Inochi, says while striking a silly pose ,like a cartoon hunter porky pig I just laughed ,and he did too.

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