Chapter 8 Trouble

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" Bullshit?" Stop it Hank! No , Jamie they're lying! " If , they show you! You better not try anything! No , calling the zoo or any of that crap! These , are the fathers of my babies!" I yelled.

Don't , upset yourself! The cubs! Before , I could do anything... Inochi , shifted when he growled the house , and ground shook. Harvey , hugged me rubbing my back..

He , shifted back putting on his loin cloth ... I , won't tolerate her getting upset! She , is pregnant with  our cubs! I'm , sorry  about  Hank he's a asshole! " Listen , since you all know  don't  say anything! It , could cause problems where I ,can't come visit family ! Aunt Jessica , I'm sorry ! When , are my cousins due?

If , the cubs are male ,three moon cycles   if their  female , nine moon cycles! Harvey  said  smiling.. We , all go outside where more of their , friends have showed up " Well , I guess our family  gathering has , become  a block party!"

I , say Jeremy  just chuckled  .. It , looks that way! Montana chimes in.. I , didn't do it! " I , hope they plan on ordering their own pizza , and cleaning up the mess!"

I , took their  hands and walk to the field " Those , college kids are going to be getting drunk ,so don't drink the alcohol! And , they probably  want to try seeing if , you'll have sex with  the girls , here with their  buddies or something !"

Jessica,  we will never betray you! And , besides our mate bond won't allow it! " I , know your both loyal ! I , just want to  caution you!" They smiled ... Inochi ,  kissed my lips , while  Harvey's  claws  trail up my thighs under my skirt as he kissed  my neck .

Harvey , licks his claws purring... Later can we? Your, scent makes me hungry! Hearing , grass crunch... What's , so good  about her ? She's , old and you  guys are hot!

" Old? Inochi , and I played  together years ago! And ,you  have no idea what you're saying! He ,is much older than me but hell yes he's my hottie! And ,Harvey is close in age with me!"

Females , we aren't interested in you! Please ,don't upset our mate!
I , was thankful they went back  with  Harvey's words.. We , went back in the house.... Jessica , I think that boy called their friends!

" I do too so ... I , think we'll  say by the couch and watch  TV!"  She whispered lowl.. I , think they want to try them! " I , do too Momma!" We , will stay next to her! Momma smiles at Harvey... Come, help in the kitchen!

We , go in Jessica  , cut the potatoes for fries , Harvey  you rub the meat with this,  and Beast God you  can stir the pot! Inochi  chuckled ... Just ,use my name your special! He winked.

Momma , laughed then she took a garbage can , and  bags outside laying down the law on her place..
By , the time she got back in I , had the first bath of fries in the fryer ..
As , I cut up more fries Anna ,came in with Jeremiah I , have my hands open  but he goes  to Inochi ..

Jessica,  can we go visit  Beastworld with y'all? ... Yes , and bring the cubs ! You , can stay in Camel Hump village with us! Inochi  beat me too it.. " Just, a fair  warning though , you'll have lots of suitors!"

Sis , I ain't worried about it ! Harvey , smiled at her attitude
" Make , sure you  bring plenty of bullets , and  fishing  gear ! We'll have to  come back for  supplies later!"

" You'll , love the lake by the village!" Yeah , fried fish ,fries , hush puppies sounds yum !
Yeah , but you'll have to pack the cornmeal , and oil , we can get short birds for eggs!" 

Short birds? "Chickens!" She laughed  ... If , those are short birds , what is big bird?  " I , don't know somebody from  peacock  clan , or hawk clan ,maybe there a canary clan?" Harvey chuckled  ...

What , is a canary? " A yellow bird!" Yes , there is a bird clan with yellow feathers!  Anna smiled  ... Now , we have to let Jeremiah  meet big bird! We , all laughed while Jeremiah , is on a mission to get  Inochi ears..

" Y'all , get your stuff we will  go in the morning!" I checked the fries dipping them out and putting more in Momma ran in ... Jessica,  there's trouble!

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