Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 Age 14

3rd pov

Everyone had turned away from Sasuke when they had to retrieve him from the sound ninja four, especially since every single member ended up in the hospital with injuries. Some ended up worse off then others but still.

Though no one knew the real reason he left the village. They had just thought he was filled with hatred for his older brother and wanted enough power to get his revenge. However that couldn't have been further from the truth. The truth was Sasuke knew Itachi wouldn't do something so drastic without a reason. Its just how he was.

The real reason he left the village was because he was terrified of people learning the truth of how he felt. He had fallen in love with a man and that terrified him because he didn't know how his friends would react. He didn't want to be seen as disgusting. He knew if people found out they would eventually find out that he wasn't as revenge filled as they thought. He knew that they would find out how soft he truly was and how much he cared and maybe even how broken he was.

Sasuke feared that and so in order to hide his true feelings he acted like he was angry with everyone all the time. The only person who saw through his act was his teammate and brother Naruto Uzumaki. He had confided in Naruto a few months after the sasuke revival mission after he had been excused. Which took about 6 months.

It had been a few months since then and it was the three of them. They were currently coming back from a mission. Kakashi sensei was out scouting around while Sakura had fallen asleep considering it was night time. Naruto had said he'd take first watch but Sasuke said he couldn't sleep so he stayed up alongside Naruto.

Main reason for it was because he wanted to confide in his best friend. He knew if he wanted advice than now was the perfect time to do it because Naruto was constantly surrounded by people. Which was funny considering he lived alone. You'd think he'd have more alone time but no Naruto was constantly surrounded by their friends.

"Sasuke, I know you and from the time I've known you, I've come to understand that you never do things without an ulterior motive. So what is it your thinking about now?" Naruto asked in a low voice as if he was afraid that Sasuke would clam up and shy away.

Sasuke started shuffling uncomfortably as he stared into the fire frowning. He knew what he wanted but getting it out of his mouth to his best friend was a different story. It meant it was real and it meant someone else knew. And that scared him. However he knew that he could trust Naruto. He could trust him because he was the only one who didn't get mad at him that he knew of.

Sure his old friends didn't mind his presence at their get togethers but it was still awkward. No one glared at him but then again no one bothered to try to talk to him either.

"N-naruto..." Sasuke mumbled out quietly. It was obvious in his tone of voice that he was scared. He wanted to get advice about these growing feelings of his but he was literally afraid of speaking it out loud for someone else to know about. He was afraid someone would make fun of him and use it to hurt him. He absolutely hated being vulnerable and his feelings were making him vulnerable.

However Naruto only smiled gently, even at 14 he was soft and gentle as if he had lived a life about 80 years. Naruto knew sasuke needed kindness and patience and that's what he gave him. He waited patiently for him to speak even as tired as he was, he refused to show him knowing Sasuke would use it to as an excuse to push this aside. And he knew that this was tearing him up inside. He could see that he needed help but it was obvious he was scared.

"...Naruto... Uhm..." Sasuke stuttered softly as he felt his hands start to shake in fear. He felt pain start to accumulate in his abdomen and he instantly knew what this feeling was. He knew based on past experience that it was fear. He knew he had to get out what he was thinking before he chickened out again. He didn't know why Naruto was so patient with him but he knew he was very grateful to the blonde and that's why he had dedicated his life to him. "... I ...." He clamed up after one word and it showed not only in his voice but in his whole body that he was afraid.

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