chapter 6

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Chapter 6

3rd pov

*28 years old *

"I guess he still hates us." Choji muttered guiding Chocho back to her seat next to Inojin and Shikadai. He was a bit hurt that Sasuke had that reaction but Choji felt he deserved it. After all he saw his suffering and did nothing about it. The children were innocent so it's no wonder Sasukes gentle with them.

"He doesn't hate you guys," Naruto said sitting back down with a sad smile. "Not at all." When Choji sat down in Sasuke previous seat naruto continued. He wanted to hear everything that Naruto had to offer about the suffering ninja he used to call a friend. "He knew that this Rogue ninja mission was only one he could take. So he took it knowing the risks." Naruto muttered softly voice filled with pain for his friend. "He said it was the highest honor to protect me for what I had done for him." Tears had started leaking through and started streaming down his face. "B-but all I did was listen to him. I did nothing worthwhile."

"That's not true." Sasuke's voice said from the doorway of the restaurant. Hearing his voice everyone looked up to see an emotionless Sasuke holding his daughter's hand who looked happy as she took off to be with Chocho. "You did everything for me." Sasuke said softly. "You protected him when I couldn't. You were there when I wasn't. I took that mission knowing I'd be branded a traitor for the rest of my life. I expected to be banished from the village until the day I died. So don't beat yourself up naruto." Sasuke said gently as he walked over to where Naruto was seated crying over his best friend's pain. Sasuke had pulled him from his seat and into a tight hug to which Naruto returned as he cried sad for his best friend.

When naruto had finally settled down he pulled away and sat back down smiling up at Sasuke. "So whatcha come back for?" He spout grinning almost cynically which had shikamaru physically smacking his forehead at his husband's antics.

"Well, sarada threw a fit," Sasuke muttered rolling his eyes. "Even activated her sharingan on me." He said making the others eyes widen.

"Are you serious?" Naruto said jumping up to grab his friend's shoulders startling him making sasukes eyes widen at the sudden contact. "Sorry." Naruto apologized softly. "Sit down next to Choji so we can continue." He said sitting down. Choji scooted one seat over so Sasuke could be in between him and Naruto. He did this because he saw Sasuke was going to reject Naruto and possibly start an argument.

Watching Choji give up his seat for him made Sasuke go quiet and look down. Reluctantly he took the seat but it showed in his body that he really didn't want to and everyone knew it.

"So..." Sasuke started as Naruto ushered him to continue. Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves he continued looking down before continuing. He knew he'd have to ask Choji for his permission and for that, he'd have to look over at the man he grew to love so much. "Uh... sarada wanted to spend the night with chocho." Sasuke muttered quietly. "That's why she was so mad at me. I-is it ok? For her to stay the night?" Sasuke stuttered softly barely looking up at Choji, who in turn smiled gently down at him.

"Of course it is sasuke. I'll look after her. When do you want to pick her up?" Choji asked smiling hoping to make up for his past mistakes. He was hoping he could bring Sasuke out of his suffering. Yeah, he said it was a mission given to him by the hokage but he was suffering because of that very mission. Or so he thought.

"A few days." Sasuke replied looking away. Little to his knowledge naruto, Sakura, and even Ino were smiling gently automatically figuring out that Choji was the man he loved. As a girl, they saw his feelings for the ninja pretty easily. Shikamaru did too but no one else had because they just thought that he was reserved because he wasn't used to being open with anyone but the kage and naruto. "I-if that's OK. If not I can pick her up sooner. She's not a problem. She's a good girl." Sasuke said quietly looking shyly up at Choji from the corner of his eyes.

Choji was about to reply when all of a sudden Sarada yelled and Sasuke was quick to respond.

"Papa!" Sarada yelled from the top of her lungs, fear coated her words and Sasuke was quick to get to her side. He was faster than the leaf's yellow flash with his rinnegan.

"Sarada take chocho and run home. Don't look back. Don't stop for anyone. If you come across an enemy kill them. Don't let them hurt her. I'll come for you girls soon." Sasuke spoke loudly with seriousness laced in his voice. No one had suspected anything but the Uchiha's were on guard and had activated their sharingan, which told them they were about to be attacked. Again. "Remember what I told you baby girl. As long as you remember what I taught you you'll be ok." Sasuke cooed as tears streamed down his daughter's face.

"But they're coming papa!" Sarada yelled. The amount of fear in her voice had Naruto activating sage mode alongside his kurama mode so he can sense the enemy. Although he didn't see anyone coming he trusted Sasuke and his daughter's fear couldn't be faked. "I won't make it in time!" She yelled in fear.

Sasuke gave her a kunai and used his rinnegan to open a portal to his old home which no one had lived in since he was a boy. "Go now!" Sarada grabbed chocho hand and yanked her through her father's portal. "Boruto shikadai, listen to me. You're the hokage's sons." Sasuke said changing the entryway to a different uchiha location. "Take the children and go! Protect himawari! She's the youngest out of all of you. You're the strongest! Can you do that?!" Sasuke demanded. Even though they were scared they knew they had to do something if this man that can move faster than their dad was serious then they had to do their job and protect everyone else. "Go now!" Sasuke screamed and as soon as Boruto had ushered the last of the children through the portal he closed it. So no matter what the only person that could possibly find them was Naruto. 

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