chapter 2

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Chapter 2

3rd pov

*age 14*

It's been a few weeks and team 7 hadn't had any missions lately. Which was weird for the the genin. Although when Sasuke had been summoned to the hokages office by shizune they immediately thought that they were getting a new mission and was excited about it that Naruto and Sakura had been eating barbeque with shikamaru's team to rejoice.

"Yeah, we're definitely getting another mission this time." Naruto exclaimed happily as he sat next to shikamaru and Sakura. He was grinning and yelling until a masked anbu came up to disturb their peace.

"Are you Naruto Uzumaki?" The masked anbu asked with a serious tone. The aura he gave off instantly put the fourteen-year-old ninja's on edge. And almost instantly Shikamaru had frowned blaming Sasuke for this without any evidence. He didn't like the guy after he almost lost his friends on a rescue mission.

When Naruto had answered with a quiet but serious yes they instantly told him to follow them to the hokages office alone. Hearing the word alone made shikamaru frown even harder knowing that sasuke was the cause of this whole ordeal. He knew that if a hate filled uchiha wanted to leave the village that he would find a way and not even naruto could stop him.

When the anbu had escorted naruto to the building lady Tsunade gave the ok for the anbu to leave her alone. So only her, shizune, sasuke, and naruto remained. She smiled putting him at ease but only for a bit.

"Naruto I am going to give sasuke an under cover mission. The reason I'm telling you this is because you cannot stop him this time. He'll leave the village under the cover of night and he'll be gone by morning. He'll go straight to Orochimaru's and train there while you leave with Jiraiya to train. Sasuke will update us with information every chance he gets and when the chance comes he'll eliminate Orochimaru. Since he's undercover as a rogue ninja of the leaf I'll have him join the akatsuki to keep tabs on them closely so he can protect you better. This is an order from your hokage: DO NOT INTERFERE." Lady Tsunade explained. She knew if he wasn't in the know about it then he'd ruin her plans and give them away to the enemy. "He the only chance we have to get an inside man to kill them before they come for you naruto. But if you tell anyone outside this room then the enemy will know of our plans and sasuke will be in danger. Do you understand the risks?"

Naruto was angry but he understood. It was all the more reason he had to get stronger and become hokage so he can reveal the undercover mission only known to the hokage and her assistant. He immediately got fearful for sasuke and glanced towards him with tears in his eyes. However sasuke only smiled gently back at him.

"I do not mind naruto. You saved me. So it's my turn to save you. All I ask of you is for you to keep an eye on him for me." Sasuke said gently immediately hugging Naruto tightly as he knew this was their last meeting until the dreadful time came to act as enemies and pretend to kill eachother. Naruto cried silently as he hugged his friend tightly. He couldn't believe he'd take a mission like that but he understood he was at risk from enemies like the akatsuki and orochimaru. He understood that if they didn't get an inside man then someone was going to get hurt and he couldn't have that.

So from that day on he vowed to get stronger and become hokage as soon as possible so he can lift Sasuke from his mission as a rogue ninja.

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