chapter 5

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Chapter 5

3rd pov

*28 years old *

"I killed them all." Sasuke said coldly. It had a shiver of slight fear running down their backs. The way Naruto smiled and replied with "good" had a second one running down their backs. "Before you ask naruto since I know your dying to know how it happened to me..." Sasuke piped up chugging another cup of sake before rolling his eyes before glancing over to Naruto. "... Their was death threat against the you and the village if I hadnt done what they said." Sasuke said allowing his face to remain emotionless. "It was the otsutsuki clan. Two of them had power beyond my imagination but after that happened to me I killed them both as they had their backs turned before I walked away. I passed out from blood loss because of the battle and that's how Karin found me. Orochimaru found me and since sarada was innocent in all of it I couldn't part with her and he fixed her genes or well replaced her otsutsuki genes with his so I could bare looking at her." Sasuke said looking at his lap pain in his voice as he kept his voice soft. "Its not her fault and eventually she'll know how she came to be but right now I just tell her she was a surprise to me." Sasuke chuckled looking back at Sarada as she chatted with chocho. "She says she wants to be a surprise for her father too. But I told her not yet since we were away from the village. I tell her we can't tell him yet because we have to protect him and if he knows then he'll get hurt trying to protect us." Sasuke again chuckled before looking back at naruto who was frowning deeply at him and even glaring.

"That is completely unfair for the father Sasuke and you know it." Naruto said anger leaking through his tone. "It's unfair for the both of you." He was angry, so angry that Shikamaru had laid his arm on his husbands shoulder to calm him down a bit. Though to no avail. "I know she was a product of a bad situation and I'm glad orochimaru could do experiments to allow you to bare raising her a bit easier but if the situation were reversed and he, the man you love was in your shoes and needed your uchiha genes to save his and her life would you want to know about it?" Naruto rambled off a bit angrily. Though when he had questioned sasuke and allowed the others to hear his question he stayed silent in hopes that someone will side with him.

They all knew that the genes sarada had were of the man he loved and they knew he had to be a strong ninja in order to save sasukes life. All they knew was that it was probably a coincidence that sarada had his genes.

"Narutos right sasuke. If it were me then I'd want to know that she's my child. If you were really that worried about not letting this guy know you love him then simply keep that part quiet but he certainly deserves to know you both have a child together." Shikamaru said softly hoping to not make the uchiha clam up. He had been watching narutos reactions towards sasuke carefully. And after learning that Sasuke had been faking everything even his emotions it didn't take much to notice how emotionally scared sasuke was. Although he was sure he was the only one to notice at the moment.

"That's not possible." Was all sasuke said before he got up from his seat to leave with sarada. Although he made sure to ruffle Chocho's hair as well since she was the only one who was talking so animatedly with his daughter.

"Mister. Will I see Sarada again?" Chocho asked running after Sasuke. Sasuke kneeled down to chochos level to ease her on her worries as choji got up to console his sad daughter. Though he stopped as naruto held his hand out startling him and Shikamaru. Though not once had Naruto explained himself or even looked at choji.

"Yes I'll bring sarada back. We're staying here in the uchiha compound if you want to visit." Sasuke said smiling gently towards chocho. Though only naruto, shikamaru, ino, sai, and choji could see such a gently placed smile, one they've never seen before. "Come over any time you wish sweetie." He said soothingly. Though Chocho had never felt such motherly love before so feeling it come she automatically jumped and wrapped her arms around sasukes neck before she started crying which startled sasuke making his eyes widen.

Due to only having one right arm he had set sarada down before apologizing to her which had her smiling saying its ok if its chocho. That statement alone had Shikamaru's eyes widening at such a realization. He was sure everyone was just thinking that it was his motherly instincts when in actuality this was choji's daughter, her sister.

"I'm sorry did I startle you?" Sasuke asked softly as he wrapped his arms around the young girl and rubbed soothing circles on her back. Chocho didn't reply only wrapped her arms tighter around his neck and cried wishing for some miracle that this man could be her mom. "Shhh..... It's ok. You'll see us again. I promise." Sasuke said softly as he soothed the crying girl.

"Can you be my mom?" Chocho asked stepping back and rubbing her tearful eyes. Sasukes eyes widened drastically as he heard her ask him this. He only soothed her once more before telling her that she already had a mom because that's how she was born and he could never take her place. Which ultimately hurt naruto's heart and shockingly actually hurt shikamaru to hear such words.

Though before the young girl could answer choij had walked around naruto completely dismissing him and even shikamaru, which stunned him. Though if they actually knew that hearing such words come from sasuke, who had been forced to be an enemy to them all, hurt choji deeper then any blade ever could wouldn't have stopped him. It hurt him deeply because he hadnt spoken up when he knew he should've. Everything in him was telling him to speak up but shikamaru was his best friend so instead of listening to his instincts he listened to his best friend and now hearing it come from naruto that he was right all this time made choji hate himself for all these past years. He'd seen the signs of someone suffering but ignored it as being exhausted because someone revenge filled couldn't be suffering. This time choji was done listening to others. He vowed when he learned that everything sasuke had done was because of the five kage that he was done listening to what others thought, if he had instincts then he would start using them. And right now his instincts were telling him sasuke was still suffering.

"Chocho's mother died giving birth to her. So please forgive her sasuke." Choji said kneeling behind his daughter putting a hand on her shoulder as he smiled towards sasuke. Choji was in his red and gray uniform with long brown hair.

He smiled over at sasuke as he had felt him caressing his daughters wet cheek. Seeing choji come over to console his daughter had sasuke instantly retracting his hand and standing up. He silently bowed towards choji politely thanking everyone before he picked up his daughter and left without another word. Though it took everything in him to hold back a blush. He had held his breathe as he had walked out. There was no other way for him to hold back a blush from a smile from the man he loved. Especially if it was directed towards him. 

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