chapter 3

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Chapter 3

3rd pov

*14 years later*

Sasuke was still seen as a rogue ninja even though he helped with the 4th shinobi world war against madara he still hasn't confessed to anything about being sorrowful for ditching them in the night. It hurt Sakura more then anything and naruto had even tried to convince her to give up on him which hurt Shikamaru a lot. It hurt him to see the man he grew feelings for so broken up by his departure. Even though he put on a smile everyday every time they mentioned that sasuke was a traitor naruto would be the most broken up about it.

So after the war with sasuke being one of the main people to help defeat Kaguya the villages had dismissed his sins. So he was off traveling the world. Naruto had married Shikamaru and had twins, Boruto and Shikadai. That was only possible due to his being able to wield the sage of six paths power. Choji had a daughter but the woman Karui had died giving birth. Which surprisingly didn't hurt choji as much as everyone thought it would. Sakura had a son Metal Lee with of course Rock Lee. She had gotten over Sasuke but only because Naruto had convinced her once when sasuke tried to kill her.

Hinata had figured out that Naruto was into guys and gotten over him and married Kiba and had a daughter which is 5 years old now and named her Himawari. Neji had died in the war protecting naruto which saddened everyone and Tenten and Shino had stayed single. Ino had gotten together with Sai and had Inojin. Everyone was around 28 years of age now and their children were about 8 now. They were all out celebrating Naruto becoming Hokage the day before.

"So now that I'm hokage and we're the only ones here in this restaurant I want to invite someone. He was a big help in warning us of everything that had happened to us...." Naruto began before he was cut off by Shikamaru who had yelled at him with wide eyes.

"Was this person the reason that this village hadn't been annihilated by anyone?" Shikamaru asked almost yelling startling the children who sat at a table behind them. Naruto looked at his husband with wide startled eyes. Shikamaru's eyes started watering. He knew he had seen several messenger hawks flying towards the hokages building and even naruto once before it flew off. But every time he asked naruto the paper was already gone with the hawk and naruto would say he's under oath. He knew he owed someone outside the village his entire life because everytime he seen a hawk a few days later everyone would get a message to prepare for an oncoming attack on the village. So he learned even if he couldn't know who was sending the message he learned that if he seen that hawk then their was a serious emergency that needed tending too. Sometimes it was for other main villages as well.

Shikamaru had warned everyone of his friends to watch out for a weird brown hawk because it meant danger was coming. He told them of naruto knowing but being under oath and it meant that the only ones who knew were possibly the 5 kage and naruto must've stumbled upon a message by accident. So he was under oath for knowing.

"Yes. This man was the only chance we had to send an ally to the enemy and learn of their movements and even eliminate some of them. But it was known only to the hokage originally, but when we got a message about the sand and we figured it was best to inform only the 5 kage and their assistants." Naruto said slowly answering his husbands question. Naruto smiled gently as he watched tears fall from his husbands eyes. He knew that Shikamaru owed him for saving Naruto and the village plenty of times. "You feel you owe him don't you?" He asked him gently.

"He saved your life Naruto. How could I not owe him." Shikamaru said wiping his tears from his eyes as he now gets to see this man who saved not only his husbands life but he was the sole reason his village was still intact. "Lets see this man. I'm ready to thank him for saving my husband and my village." Shikamaru said determined.

"Wait shikamaru. You heard naruto didn't you? This information was known only to the 5 kage and their assistants. Why do you get to tell anyone else when it was a decision by the 5 kage?" Sakura asked seriously. That question alone made naruto chuckle humorlessly scaring them.

"Because I made a vow when I heard this mission being given to someone so young." He said with hatred laced in his voice. "It was mission no man should ever bear but he said it was ok because I...." Naruto started but was cut off by none other then Sasuke uchiha.

"...Saved me." That's when they saw him enter through a purple portal created by his rinnegan with a 9 year old child at his side. "You really should let go of that hatred Naruto. No amount of hatred will ever change my decision. I will always take that mission." That's when the room went quiet. The man that they had owed their lives to was the man they had scorned with everything in them. "So don't hate Lady Tsunade for giving that mission to me."

"But the things that you went through! It was unfair to you! You were only 14!" Naruto yelled standing up with a deep frown on his face. Meanwhile, sasuke's changed to one of light amusement. "I kept my end of the deal. Now that I'm hokage I release you Sasuke Uchiha from your undercover mission as a rogue ninja. It's time to come home Sasuke." 

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