chapter 10

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Chapter 10
3rd pov

*28 years old*

That’s when his hawk came to sarada but she hadnt taken the letters from him yet. She was waiting to see if her father was going to wake up. And after waiting for what felt like centuries did choji finally step up to take sasukes hand to speak to him, in hopes of bringing the ninja back to this world.

Though right before he was able to Sasuke had coughed showing everyone present that the five kage had succeeded in bringing him back. Which in turn made Sarada happy and start screaming for her papa to open his eyes and that she knew that lord 7th wouldn’t fail her.

"Sarada..." Sasuke whispered as he struggled to sit up, forcing choji to let go it his hand. After he was half way to a sitting position sarada jumped on him crying saying she thought she lost him. " *whistle*" Sasuke  beckoned for his hawk to drop one of the two letters before waving him off. "Sarada...." Sasuke whispered and not even Kakashi, a former anbu, could hear what he whispered to his daughter.

"Understood papa." Sarada said activated her sharing an before opening the letter meant for choji. As she read the letter her eyes widened before looking back at her father. Is this real papa?" She asked suddenly hiding the letter in her pocket from prying eyes.

"Yes sarada. That letter was for you." Sasuke said looking down. "Im sorry I lied." He said but was taken into a big hug as his daughter hugged him shutting up his apologies. "The other one was for your father. There is none for the hokage." He said silencing narutos questions.

Naruto had squinted his eyes in suspicion that he mightve gotten who her father was wrong. But when he heard that his eyes went gentle instantly and smiled down at Sasuke, thinking it was still for choji.

"Papa?" Sarada looked at her father with her sharingan activated. "Can you show me everything? I want to know the truth." She said serious. She knew the mangekyo was cruel. He told her many times how his brother put him in a coma because of him wanting to know the truth. She knew she'd suffer the same fate because her father's sharingan was the strongest among the past uchiha because he has both rinnegan and mangekyo.

"Sure." Sasuke said sitting up before activated his own mangekyo. "I hope your ready my beloved daughter because what I'm about to show you only you will know the truth of this world and what I have suffered. Not even the hokage or any kage could know. I've kept most things secret. And when I die I want you to tell the world the truth of my life." He said frowning down at his daughter as he was now standing. "No matter what you do from here on out, know this, I will love you always." He mutter putting his hand on her head and activating the mangekyo and withing 3 seconds showed her everything he'd gone through.

It nade her scream in pain as she collapsed to the floor as she had felt everything and seen everything. She even knew that even back when he had lied to Naruto about who he loved. It was all there. And now only she knew about it.

"My beloved little girl, now that you shoulder my burden know that there ultimately nothing in that letter to your father about anything you've seen. It's only a confession." Sasuke said scooping her up. He knew how to wake her. He didn't need a medical ninja to wake her. So once he had her comatose body in his arm he opened a portal and left outside the village. He knew Naruto was angry for what he'd done to the girl and knew he'd try to follow but sasuke had closed the portal he'd created before naruto could get through. All the while listening to naruto rant on about how could he do such a cruel thing to a young girl.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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