chapter 4

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Chapter 4


*28 years old*

Shikamaru's jaw dropped. Never in a million years had he suspected sasuke. He instantly knew that everything he knew up until now had been wrong. He frowned as he looked back on everything. Sasuke had been undercover so had he really wanted revenge or was that just a cover story? Now that no one was under oath he knew he had to ask naruto later.

"You can protect the man you love yourself now." Naruto said grinning wickedly. Sasuke's eyes instantly activated and the group knew that was a secret he probably didn't want known. They knew because of two things. His anger which activated his sharingan and rinnegan and his furiously blushing cheeks.

"Naruto. I already told you what I thought about that." Sasuke said light anger in his tone which had his 9 year old daughter Sarada scared a bit. Sasuke was blushing in both anger and embarrassment. He didn't ever want that known. He had already vowed that his hands were too dirty and stained for the kind ninja.

"Papa?" Sarada piped up in a scared tone from her fathers side. Which instantly had Sasuke settling down within seconds for his daughters sake. He had reigned in his anger to yell at Naruto later and everyone knew from the frown on his face before he turned to his daughter that this conversation wasn't over. "Are you ok papa? Is this about my father? Is he ok?" she asked in a scared voice hanging onto her fathers black robe.

"Yes my darling daughter it is about your father. Nothing will happen to him as long as I'm alive." Sasuke said gently as he smiled sweetly towards his 9 year old daughter as he had kneeled down to her level. "You remember what I said correct?" Sasuke asked seriously as Sarada started to smile widely towards him happily.

"Yes papa. I remember what you said. You said don't bother father unless something happens to you papa." She said smiling happily and that ultimately broke their hearts. They all knew sasukes love was one-sided and the only thing he had in life from his love was his daughter.

"Good now go play with the other children sarada. I'll start training you in his techniques as when you get older." Sasuke said smiling as he stood up ruffling her hair getting her all excited as she nodded her head and took off. Though when he finally turned towards naruto they group was concerned with how angry he was and how little they could sense his killing intent. He had masked it from his aura but his eyes were activated which gave away that he was furious.

"Before you start in on me sasuke I want to know who her parents are and how she was conceived." Naruto said crossing his arms seriously. He had a hunch about who her other father was but he was ultimately confused on how she was concieved. "This is an order from your hokage and you cannot refuse." When they heard naruto giving sasuke the highest order they knew his daughter wasn't concieved naturally.

Though sasuke sighed heavily and deactivated his eyes as he sat down in the seat next to naruto's as he prepared to give the rundown without any names. It was harder to tell than telling him who he loved but he knew naruto was curious and was probably worried. He always has been.

"I know you know naruto. The glare you're giving me proves you know who the other party is. And your hunch is correct. She wasn't concieved naturally. I was dying from an "incident" and karin found me and carried me back to Orochimaru's lab. He performed some things on me and took some things out but ultimately just like you naruto I got pregnant as well. He needed strong genes in order to save mine and her life so he used his. So that's it. She was born with only my genes and his. Yes she knows who her father is. I've shown her and told her.... Just in case you were wondering about that too." Sasuke mumbled pouring himself some sake and chugging it knowing naruto has loads upon loads of questions. "Shes 9 years old. Just a year older then your twins. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner about her but I figured you were busy with your family and didn't need the added stress." Sasuke mumbled out quietly.

"Sasuke you promised me you'd tell me everything," Naruto said in a dismissive tone. It was a tone that let you know you were disappointed in the other for something. Which made Sasuke mumble out another apology and lower his eyes a bit. "Due to your request I haven't told anyone about you and unless you give me permission I don't plan to tell anyone either. Not even my husband sasuke. So please trust me when I say you can trust me. Did you at least get the guys who almost killed you?" Naruto deliberately left out the word rape because he knew it was a bad trigger word. Though that didn't stop anyone from picking up on the fact that Sarada was a product of rape on the most powerful shinobi. Which had them questioning how did sasuke get himself into that situation if he had the rinnegan? 

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