chapter 8

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Chapter 8

3rd pov

*28 years old*

"Papa lied to everyone." Sarada said through tears as she sat on her heels holding her fathers hand as Sakura did everything she could to heal the dying man. Though in vain and it showed because she had started squinted her eyes and crying as well, knowing her jutsu wasn't working. Not this time. "Papa said he was proud to take a mission to protect his village from any incoming attack. He said he was the only one suitable for the mission." Sarada's tears had others hearts constricting in pain as they saw the best shinobi dying from an attack meant for choji. "But lord 7th, how could anyone take on a mission that brands them a traitor? How could my papa die a happy man when all anyones ever said was that he was a no good traitor that doesn't belong?"

Naruto started crying as well. He knew his friend was dying and his daughter was being left behind in so much pain. So the one whose known everything from the very start collapsed next to her and pulled her into a tight hug and let her cry on his shoulder. That's when they all knew that he wasn't going to make it. Sasuke was going to die.

"If you wish to know anything Sarada then I'll tell you everything. For I've known everything from the very start." Naruto said softly, voice cracking from pain as he held his best friends daughter in his arms. Naruto only got a nod as she clung tighter. "Your father had tried to leave this village before however it wasn't for the revenge you think it was. It was because he was afraid of people seeing through him and seeing just a boy wrapped up in so much pain that he didn't know where to go. He didn't know anyone or anything when his clan was killed. He was on his own from a very young age but your father was a bright man. He knew that there had to have been a reason that his own kind hearted brother slaughtered everyone in the dead of night so suddenly. However even that mission was a failure for Itachi left one alive. He couldn't kill his innocent little brother whom he loved so much." Naruto whispered as he held onto the girl silently crying. By now sakura had deemed it useless to heal sasuke and gave up. "Itachi was given the same mission that your father was given. Be a traitor to the village and save this village from impending doom. You uchiha love more people so deeply more then anyone else that's where your sharingan comes from. Now when your father left the village for the first time it was a failure because we had brought him back and in that instant the hokage thought it to be wise to tell me from the very start because if I hadnt known then I would've brought him back and ruined her plans. So your father left the village under the cover of night and left me alone in the village." Naruto whispered as he reminisced. "You know before that though when I had learned that sasuke was in love with your father he told me that he didn't deserve him. He thought that because he left the village in a fit of fear that he was stained and didn't deserve him even though he had fallen for your father at your age."

"Papa loved dad at my age?" Sarada asked with tears in her eyes as she pulled back from naruto. Naruto smiled gently and nodded. Sarada smiled through her tears and looked over at her papa. "Papa always said that dad was too pure for him. Which was why we couldn't tell dad about us or else he'd be dead quicker with the amount of people papa had hurt killing bad people." Sarada smiled looking back at the hokage, naruto. "Papa said that when he passed his hawk will come to guide his soul to a happier place and it has two letters. One for you and the other for dad." She smiled once more whistling summoning the hawk. "It'll take some time to get here though."

"Your father said in one of his letters to me, must've been around 16 when he told me, but he said that he'd die before he gave up his feelings. He always said that he didn't deserve love for the things he had done. I don't know the work he had to do while he was undercover as the enemy but what I can say is that I'm proud to finally admit that your papa was the sole reason this village nor any of the other great villages had gone under. He's killed several bad people saved us from war many times. He's given us plenty of warnings when bad things were heading our way." Naruto said with a smile but just as he was about to continue Lady Tsunade along with the current kage to the other main villages with their assistants, including Kakashi had shown up.

"Sasuke uchiha is a hero to the shinobi world and we as kage knew this day would come. Sorry you arent briefed yet naruto. We were going to brief you tomorrow but it looks like that day came before that." Lady Tsunade said smiling. "Young uchiha when we took our title as kage the first oath we took was to save this dying man from the mission I had put him in. We knew he'd be a great ally among the five great nations but he'd also be an enemy to all because no one besides those titled kage knew about him so he was constantly in danger and we vowed that when the day came that he was dying with no other way out than we would use our power as the 5 kage to save the dying man from a fate we as kage forced upon him. He didn't deserve this." Lady Tsunade said as she walked closer towards sasuke who laid motionless. 

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