chapter 7

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Chapter 7

3rd pov

*28 years old *

"You separated the children?" Naruto asked standing up to walk over to where Sasuke was. "Why? And also I can't sense anything coming not even with my sage mode." Naruto said seriously getting eye rolls from Kiba and a few others.

"The children will be safe if they're separated." Sasuke said glaring in the direction of the west gate. "They're here." He said with utmost hatred. "Naruto under no circumstance are you to give away the position of the children! Do you understand?" Sasuke whispered in all seriousness. The way Sasuke was acting, the others had stood up and prepared for battle. Though Hinata frowned in confusion as well as Kiba and Shino. They couldn't sense anything or see or smell anything.

"Although I can't sense any malice, nor can I see the enemy. However, I will put my full faith in you Sasuke and trust that we are under attack. About what level is the enemy and how many?" Naruto said walking to stand shoulder to shoulder with Sasuke.

"It's the highest level. Though you need to act as if no one will get hurt. They're only here for one thing naruto." Sasuke said with all seriousness a hateful glare forming on his face.

"My children." Naruto whispered a glare forming as well instantly getting Shikamaru battle-ready next to Naruto. His children were the target and the only person who could save the children was Sasuke.

"I'm going to move the children. Naruto create clones and disguise yourselves as myself and the children and lure them to the top of the hokage tower to "star watch" or whatever. I don't care. Find a way to lure them there. I'm moving the children to a safer location outside the village. That way only I will know about their whereabouts." Sasuke uttered instantly getting protests from every parent. "I'm sorry naruto but I'll be back soon. Once they leave I'll come back. Don't look for me." Sasuke said hugging Naruto. And like that, he was gone.

Naruto's eyes widened in realization. If he didn't find a way to defeat this enemy then he'd never see his children again. For now, Sasuke was out of the range of his jutsu and he couldn't sense them. None of their children could be found.

"If Sasuke had to hide then there's no way he could defeat them," Naruto muttered collapsing. "I'll never see my children again. That's why Sasuke was on the run." A tear streamed down his cheek as he realized this. Even so, he trusted his friend's words and created clones, and went along with his plan anyway.

It didn't take long for Naruto to finally feel the malice that his unknown enemy had. So he instantly sprung into action trying to defeat something he could not see.

It took about two hours of Naruto fighting air before Sasuke finally returned alone and stabbed the enemy from behind. However he didn't die in vain. For he through a jutsu only Sasuke could see at choji. And right before it hit Sasuke flung himself in the way getting hit and collapsing to the ground coughing up blood.

"Sakura heal him! He's choking on his own blood!" Naruto yelled out worried. "I didn't even see that coming! What kind of Hokage am I if I can't even save one friend?!" Naruto was leaking tears he was so worried about his friend, the one who tends to sacrifice everything including himself. 

"Yeah besides only sasuke knows where our children are." Lee said following up with the power of youth towards his wife. He didn't hold any malice towards Sasuke for technically kidnapping their children.

"Why though? Why did he aim for me? Do you know Naruto?" Choji asked as he kneeled next to Sasuke. Ino had started helping out knowing Sakura was stressing out that Sasuke was dying. Her best friend was dying from a hit like that. 

"The only thing I can think of was him separating the children because they wanted the sharingan in sarada. But they would've went after chocho as well for the same reason they went after you choji." Naruto said as Sakura sighed heavily in relief after thanking Ino for the help. "They were after sarada because of her uchiha blood and they just wanted to kill any akimichi close to Sasuke."

"Why though? You're closer to him than I am." Choji was genuinely confused and it was adorable to the girls and even Shino and Kiba who picked up on it.

As they were talking Sasuke used the last of his Chakra to open two portals for the children to come through.

Though it was only open for a few seconds. So as Boruto was walking through Sakura saw Sasuke was out of Chakra and started healing him to keep the portal open for him to come through.

"There," Sasuke said collapsing into a coma. Sarada seeing this yelled in worry and ran to her papa's side. With tears streaming down her face she turned towards Naruto and pleaded with him to save her papa.

"Please lord 7th. Save my papa. Dont let him die." She pleaded with big tearful eyes. Sakura once again checked him and her eyes widened as she saw he had almost no Chakra left and was indeed dying.

"Has he gone through this before? Is that how you knew he was dying?" Sakura asked the young uchiha as she activated her 100 healing mark to summon Katsuyu to help her heal him.

"Yes. Papa has almost died before and he told me only lord 7th or his teammate can heal him. Please. Don't let my papa die." She said holding Sasuke's hand as she cried very worried. 

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