1: Cupcake

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Hermione lifted her eyes off her notes after she heard a fit of giggles, hearing the door of the dungeon open and shut.

"I would like to welcome our newest addition to our N.E.W.T's class." spoke Professor Snape with a wave of his hand. The new girl sat next to the Slytherins, the members giggling amongst themselves, battling their eyelashes at the girl.

Hermione scowled as she realised her two bestfriends had stalker eyes for the new girl. She took in the girl's features, trying to figure out what the hype was about.

She looked distasteful in Hermione's opinion.

Her loose tie, her tendency to keep ruffling her hair in attempt to make it mess. She didn't even followed the dress code, she wore a black leather jacket rather than the usual robe everyone wore.

But Hermione couldn't care about a random Slytherin. She averted her attention to Professor Snape who was teaching a complex theory in Potions. The Gryffindor gave her full attention, her hand writing every word the Professor uttered.

Hermione couldn't help but feel eyes boring onto her from across the room. She glanced at the new girl who was staring straight at her with a curious cat-like look, a lollipop in her mouth. Seriously?

Hermione gulped and turned her attention back to her Professor. Everyone was writing notes and giving their full attention, all except one.

How did she even get into this class??? Though Hermione. She would glance at the Slytherin every once in a while, and the girl would always look bored out of her mind, ruffling her hair and drumming her fingers on the table, paying no attention whatsoever.

It drove Hermione mad for some reason.

"Granger." spoke Professor Snape suddenly. "Give me a short summary of the theory that I've just given."

Hermione bit down her bottom lip as she realized she hasn't been paying attention for the last 10-minutes. "I don't know, Professor." she managed to speak up, knowing it'd be better than to stay silent.

"I see." said Professor Snape as muffled giggles rang in the room, mostly from the Slytherins. "(Y/L/N)?"

(Y/N) took out the lollipop from her mouth and began to summarize the theory without stuttering or even pausing to think of her answer. Hermione's lips were parted slightly as she watched the girl.

"Excellent." nodded Professor Snape with a curt nod. "I see our new member is outshining Miss-Know-It-All." he added with a hum, a fit of giggles emerging from the Slytherins.

"Just ignore him, Hermione." muttered Harry from beside her, shaking his head.

"Yeah." nodded Ron. "Besides, no one can outshine you." he added with a smile.

Hermione returned the smile, until she glanced at (Y/L/N). Does that lollipop not finish?? She thought. The new girl was looking at her with a smug look on her face. Which boiled Hermione's blood.

It must've been evident on her face, because the new girl seemed satisfied, the corner of her lip tugging to a smirk. Hermione wasn't one to care much about such petty things like this, but she wanted to wipe off that smug look off of her pretty face—

Not that she was pretty. Thought Hermione.

The girl sent her a wink with a ruffle of her hair, feeling satisfied as she saw the Gryffindor girl splutter slightly at the move and quickly looked away, clearly taken aback. And clearly frustrated.


The bell rang and everyone packed their stuff, a group of girls trying to crowd around the new girl. (Y/N) lived for this type of attention so she conversed with them, feeling satisfied whenever they would go into a fit of laughter because of her jokes.

But despite the crowd of pretty girls around her, her eyes wandered off to the Gryffindor girl who gave her a glare before exiting the dungeon. But this hostility only made her smile.

"What's your name?" spoke a person behind Hermione out of nowhere, nearly making her scream at the suddenness. But she quickly put up her hostile demeanor as she realized who it was.

"NOYB" replied Hermione nonchalantly.

"I doubt." frowned (Y/N). "What does it stand for?"

"None of your business." hummed Hermione sweetly, the frown on the taller girl's face satisfied her.

"I think it's my business, cause you couldn't keep your eyes off me earlier." said (Y/N) with a confident smirk.

God do I want to smack that smirk off your face.

"I was trying to figure out how someone pathetically dumb witted like you could get into N.E.W.T Potions." said Hermione with a roll of her eyes, ignoring the nervous thumps in her chest, trying to walk quicker but the taller girl simply matched her pace.

"Pathetically dumb witted?" repeated (Y/N), looking amused. "That's a bit rich coming from you, especially when I answered Professor Snape's question when you couldn't, cupcake."

"Cupcake?" repeated Hermione with a scowl, though there was evident redness on her face, either angry or flustered, perhaps a mix of both.

"You wouldn't tell me your name." shrugged (Y/N) with a smirk.

"Is she bothering you?" spoke a ginger who (Y/N) didn't know, but she was clearly displeased with his appearance.

"No." said Hermione with a shake of her head, giving a glare at the smirking (Y/N). She didn't want to give the girl the satisfactory of knowing that she managed to have any effect of her. "She was just entertaining me."

"C'mon." grunted Ron, his arm around the Gryffindor's shoulder, scowling at the new girl.

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i wanna j say that this story will contain mature contents such as smut obv and alcohol and self harm so if you don't like any of those then pls click of this story, but for the rest of u guys, enjoy<333

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