20: Stack Of Photographs

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NOTE: Lupin, sirius, tonks, fred and mad-eye are still alive because i want them to be

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NOTE: Lupin, sirius, tonks, fred and mad-eye are still alive because i want them to be

ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

Their winter break officially began, but the Golden Trio's leisure was quickly interrupted by a certain matter. "Voldemort's dead, we know that. But some of his old followers— the nasty ones are still out and about. Several muggles were killed this past week, but you can't pass of this information to anyone, we don't want it out on the Daily Prophet." explained Lupin in a hushed voice as he led the trio through the hallway.

"What does this have to do with us? I thought The Order wasn't very fond of us knowing too much— or atleast Ron's mom." spoke Harry, trying to suppress the grin that was threatening his features, he couldn't deny that he enjoyed being involved in such matters.

"Well, that was when you lot were still underage, no?" replied Lupin, bemused as he noticed their eyes lit up. "We discussed it, of course. Kingsley and Tonks reckon that it'd be great preparation since you ought to be Aurors. Sirius agreed, of course, he'd love nothing more than to fight alongside his godson." he smiled. "Molly— well, you know your mother, Ron. It took a bit of time but Fred and George talked her into it. We've also recruited a few foreigners around your age."

Harry could feel excitement bound to burst out of him when they reached a familiar door— through it was the dining area of his godfather's house. Hermione glanced at her friend's ecstatic expressions, smiling as she shook her head, obviously bemused. She thought that they had dealt with enough trouble for a lifetime, but it didn't seem so right now.

But the problem that occured when Lupin opened the door troubled Hermione than the Battle of Hogwarts itself.

"You're an arse—" scowled Pansy with a huff.

"You're an arse—" repeated (Y/N) who was sitting between the familiar Slytherin and a ginger that Hermione couldn't recognize, mocking her british accent. She prayed to Merlin that she was having a nightmare and her winter break hadn't even begun yet. She pinched her arm in hopes to wake up, no luck.

(Y/N)'s snickers were interrupted by Pansy, who jerked her head in Hermione's direction. Confused, the Slytherin turned her head to the direction, looking at the Gryffindor straight in the eye. She attempted to give a smile which came out weaker than she expected— but you couldn't really blame the girl since Hermione was basically glaring the shit out of her, her eyebrow raised and her lips pressed into a thin line.

"Ah! Meet the new additions to The Order." greeted Sirius enthusiastically as he got up from his seat, attacking his godson with a hug. "About time, eh Harry? Prongs would be so proud." he smiled. He sat back down to allow Molly coddle the trio.

Hermione couldn't believe that the only seat left empty was the one right on front of (Y/N), she cursed Merlin under her breath as she sat down. She quickly switched her stony face to a neutral one as Tonks conversed with her. She was showing photographs of Teddy, her son.

"Maybe I could picture you with him if you bring him." suggested Hermione thoughtfully, realising that all the photographs were simple, plain, and it was usually the baby alone since Tonks was the one who captured it.

"You take photographs?" questioned Tonks enthusiastically with raised eyebrows. "Could you show me your work?" she requested. Hermione was happy to comply, handing her a stack of her photographs that she captured.

Tonks went through the stack, complimenting each photograph enthusiastically. She'd take her time to observe and comment about each one for Hermione to hear, but sometimes the Gryffindor's ears worked against her and paid more attention to the girl on front of her. She felt so pissed, how could she converse so freely and happily when her supposed-to-be ex-girlfriend was right on front of her? She resented the pretty ginger next to her, how she kept making (Y/N) laugh.

"Oh," spoke Tonks suddenly, her eyes down at a photograph of a familiar Slytherin, producing a patronus which looked like a phoenix. There were hearts drawn on the photograph. "You know (Y/N)?" she queried as she looked up at a now rather flustered Hermione.

"I used to go to Hogwarts, she was my tutor. You know I sucked at Transfiguration." spoke up (Y/N) with a smile to Tonks, saving Hermione the embarrassment she could feel across the table.

"You suck at everything." teased the ginger from beside (Y/N), Huh Yunjin, scrunching her nose with a small smile as the latter rolled her eyes.

And Hermione couldn't help but match that eye roll.

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