New Family

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???: "Get away from Izuku! I won't allow you jerks to continue bullying him anymore!"

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???: "Get away from Izuku! I won't allow you jerks to continue bullying him anymore!"

Katsuki: "Get the hell out of the way you muffle mouth bastard!"

???: "So you can continue beating him up for your own sick twisted pleasure?! No! I don't care how many of you there are! You're not laying another hand on him!"

Shoto: "Why are you in our business with Deku this has nothing to do with you!"

???: "Because he's my friend! Something you jerks failed to do for him! Especially you!

As the person points at a girl with long green hair and freckles that looks nearly identical to Izuku. This was his twin sister Izumi Yagi.

???: "You're his own flesh and blood yet you treat him like trash! What kind of sibling does that?!

Izumi: "So what?! It's his fault for being
delusional and thinking he can be a hero without a quirk!!

???: "There are other ways of being a hero without a quirk you idiot! What about him being a support hero from behind the scenes huh?! Did you villains ever think of that?!"

Kirishima: "Hey we aren't villains take that back! It's unmanly!"

???: "It's also unmanly to attack an innocent person because you're a bunch of quirkists! What's stopping me from taking this into a court of law!"

Momo: "You wouldn't dare!"


As the person goes and picks the unconscious Izuku up and placing him on his shoulder with little to no effort. As he glares back at the group of students.

???: "You're gonna find out the hard way what happens when you think you can do whatever you want without consequences!"

As the person teleports away from the group heading back to his house. Leave the group to ponder on the words he said and if they are actually any truth to them.

Mineta: "You don't think he was serious was he?"

Iida: "Of course not. We're doing this for Izuku's own good. His "friend" was just all talk."

Sato: "For our sake let's hope you're right."

Katsuki: "Oh please who cares what that muffled mouth bastard said. Besides we'll just meet that nerd at Izumi's house and deal with him there."

As the group heads back home thinking that everything is fine and that Izuku will return with them. Little did they know is that everything would change at this very moment.

POV Change

As our protagonist and his friend appear right in front of the house.

Izuku: "Thanks Ban.Dee, once again you saved me.

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