USJ Part 1

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The next day of class was rather surreal to say the least. With two members of class 1-A being expelled within the span of a couple days, it left a lot of the class barring 2 of them not at ease. Kirby and Ban. Dee continued to chat amongst themselves. Keeping themselves occupied with either class work or playing Tic Tac Toe of the likes. Right now they were in homeroom waiting Aizawa Sensei to tell them what was the plan for today.

While they were in class Kirby was texting Ippan. Checking in on her to make sure that she's alright and if there's anything that he could help her with. Ever since that incident that occurred when Kirby saved her from those quirkest douchebags and his actions were recorded, it was a serious conversation that was had about the discrimination towards mutation quirks.

Seeing Kirby defend her willingly against those men caused for action to be taken, especially once Nezu caught wind of the video himself as he along with MetaKnight decided to pay the government a "warm" welcome. Needless to say after the meeting laws were going to be put in place at the moment.

Kirby: Hey Ippan just wanted to check in on you this morning school has kept me on my feet lately. I was wondering if you'd like to go out sometime at the mall? Just let me know when you get back to this message alright. Have a great rest of your day!"

As our pink hero sent that message as Aizawa made his presence known in the class. Tension was always high in the room whenever he showed up, most of class 1-A me to even look him in the eye directly due to his intensena glare. Of course Ban Dee and Kirby would wave to Aizawa given that they don't have any issue with him.

Aizawa: Alright you brats. Today we are going to be heading towards USJ for some training. So I expect you all follow the instructors lead, don't embarrass yourself with what little time you have left here. Also in regard to your classmates that got rightfully expelled I decided to bring upon someone from the general class into class 1-A. You can come on in now!

As the door opened as a student with purple hair and a rather tired look in his eyes made his presence known.

???: "My name is Hitoshi Shinso. Nice to meet you

Aizawa: "As you can see I took the liberty of training him over the past couple of days ever since the expulsion of your little friend

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Aizawa: "As you can see I took the liberty of training him over the past couple of days ever since the expulsion of your little friend. Personally I feel like Shinso is more suited to be a hero than those ever were. Now then hurry up and change into your hero outfits."

As the rest of class 1-A went to their locker rooms and changed. Kirby and Ban Dee decided to introduce themselves to their new classmate.

Kirby: "Hi! My names Kirby Sakurai nice to meet you Shinso!"

Ban. Dee: "Names Ban. Dee I'm this troublemakers older brother nice to meet you."

Shinso: "The pleasure is mine. Although from what I've been told the atmosphere of this class is rather depressing?"

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