Best Boys

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Ban. Dee: "Kirby! Let's go we'll be late for the entrance exams."

Izuku or Kirby as he took on his successors name, was currently at the table stuffing his face with food. His appetite was endless. Realizing he had to leave Kirby stuffed the last bit of food down as he and Ban Dee left their house, heading to U.A High.

King Dedede: "Hold on a second? The little munchkin ate my leftovers?! I was saving them!!"

MetaKnight: "You really expect leftover to be in this house with YOU and Kirby having as big appetite as you do?"

King Dedede: "Alright you have a point but it's the principle that matters. Good thing Nezu was able to hook us up with a nearly unlimited food supply."

MetaKnight: "How he was able to do that I still don't know. So you still think we should keep it a secret that we'll be reaching them at U.A?"

King Dedede: "Of course! Where's the fun in telling them! Besides if we get the class we think we are in going enjoy clobbering those brats who hurt Izuku."

MetaKnight: "I also have a few words I'd like to say to them myself but that moment can wait. Come on let's head over to the school and watch the Exam."

King Dedede: "I'm down!"

As the older heroes head out to U.A to watch the progress of the younger kids. Kirby and Bandana Dee decided to run to the school, jumping and dodging people and things they seen with acrobatic parkour skills, leaving those who were witnessing the kids in awe at their actions. Kirby and Bandana Dee race each other to the school like a friendly competition. It wasn't long before they made it to the school.

Kirby: "We're finally here! U.A High!

Bandana Dee: "You ready to ace this thing Kirby."

Kirby: "You know it!"

As the two fist bump, heading towards the building, however they are unfortunately interrupted by a familiar and annoying voice.

???: "Aye Muffle mouth bastard!"

With a sigh leaving Ban Dee's lips and Kirby being irked. They turn around to see Katsuki and the rest of class 1-A.

Bandana Dee: "Oh great it's you guys. I would've thought you'd been blacklisted from all schools."

Katsuki: "Shut the fuck up! If you hadn't interfered we wouldn't be in this situation! Where the hell is that loser anyway!"

Bandana Dee: "That's none of your business. All that you need to know is Izuku is safe and away from you."

Izumi: "Where is my brother! We'll press charges on you for kidnapping him!"

Kirby: "Then I guess you want your secret to be exposed to the public then."

As Kirby made his presence known to class 1-A.

Shoto: "Who are you? One of this freaks friends."

Kirby: "I suggest you watch your mouth. Don't you dare insult my brother. Names Kirby Sakurai.

Izumi: "What connection do you have to my brother?

Kirby: "I haven't heard much about him only from what my brother told me about how you all abused him for your own sick pleasure. I can't wait for him to expose you to the world."

Mina: "We only did it to protect him from the dangers of being a hero!"

Kirby: "That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard in my life. If you were truly his friends you would've protected him and encouraged his dream. Instead you turned on him and exposed your true colors."

Izuku Yagi: The Star Hero! Where stories live. Discover now