Meeting a Fox Lady

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After the entrance exams, Kirby and Bandana Dee went to Musutafu beach. Unfortunately due to circumstances that were out their control the beach was still dirty. Nobody had bothered to attempt to clean. However being the best boys that they are Kirby and Bandana Dee decided to clean the entire beach.

With their combined efforts the brothers completed the task in just about 4 days. Their efforts weren't unnoticed either as several people saw the boys moving the trash back and forth, as several videos circulated of them doing such a kind deed. The boys even started to get their own little fan club of supporters.

MetaKnight and Dedede looked on in pride as they saw their boys working hard on the beach.

Dedede: "You know Meta, I feel like this world will be in good hands once again. Thanks to those 2 little tykes down there."

MetaKnight: "Indeed old friend, with their compassion they'll be able to influence the younger generation and set the standard of what a hero should be."

Dedede: "That's for sure. The way this society is corrupted on the low. Speaking of which, are you keeping eyes on Mr. "Symbol of peace."

MetaKnight: "I've been watching him from a distance he's very unstable. He can't accept that he and his wife are in the wrong and blames Izuku for ruining his life."

Dedede: "Idiot. That arrogance of his will only lead to his downfall. It's his own fault for neglecting his son. That's like if you and I ever neglected Kirby in our past life. I couldn't imagine doing that to someone I consider family."

MetaKnight: "It's unfortunate that in this world it's the harsh reality of it all. Quirkless people; specifically kids don't even make past adolescence as the suicide rates are sky high."

Dedede: "If Bandana wasn't with Izuku this whole time he may have been added to that list and no one would've cared! Damnit!"

MetaKnight placed a hand on the shoulder of his long time friend.

MetaKnight: "That's why us four and the Allie's we will gather in this new world will change that. Every step counts no matter how small it may be."

Dedede: "Ever the wise one huh? *smirks* Come on what do you say we head back home. These boys can handle themselves."

MetaKnight: "Of course. If anyone were to antagonize them they would be foolish messing with two powerful kids.

As Dedede and MetaKnight head back home. Kirby and Bandana Dee look at their hard work, finally finished with the beach as more and more people have started to come back to the site to relax and play outside. The boys high five each other.

Kirby: "We did it! Now people can finally have a beach they're proud of."

Bandana: "Great idea to come clean the beach Kirby. I wonder what caused this pile up in the first place? How did they let it get this bad, inexcusable?"

Kirby: "Either way it's finished. Now we come here on the weekends and relax. Especially with new friends we will make at U.A!"

Bandana: "So how do you feel after meeting them?"

Kirby: "To be honest. I want nothing to do with them but unfortunately they'll be at U.A. As long as they don't know who I am I'm glad. The less drama the better."

Bandana: "You know I got your back no matter what."

Kirby: "Thanks bro. Now let's head back home."

As the two boys raced each other home, with another successful day under their belt who knows what tomorrow would bring them.

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