First Day

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Dedede: "Alright kiddos have a great first day at school. Make sure to respect your teachers and if anyone gives you any trouble clobber them!"

MetaKnight: "Make sure to be aware of your surroundings. Make as many friends as you can and show why you will be the next generation of heroes."

As Kirby and Ban Dee saluted their respective father/uncle figures as they head off to U.A high. The boys decided to catch the train to the school and just enjoy the ride there.

Kirby: "I can't believe it. It's finally happening Ban. We're finally going to U.A."

Ban: "Are you actually surprised? You had this in you the entire time. You just needed people to support you Kirby."

Kirby: "Thanks Ban, of course we have to deal with them in class but I'm pretty sure they know they are thin ice."

Ban: "Let's hope so Kirb. I wanted to ask do you plan on forgiving them? I just wanna know where your mind is on that."

Kirby: "Honestly, no. It's their own decisions that caused them to treat me the way they did, how can I even forgive those who are so easy to turn their backs on people."

Ban: "That's the smart answer. Besides let them try anything you and me can handle that whole class."

Kirby: "You know it! I feel like we'll make a lot of friends this year."

Ban: "Speaking of friends, I saw a video of you saving a rather pretty lady and walking her home. I see you putting your charms on the ladies Casanova.

As Ban Dee elbows Kirby joking causing our pink haired protagonist to smile sheepishly.

Kirby: "Come on don't embarrass me bro. I was only doing the right thing and standing up for her. Ippan didn't deserve to be treated like that just because she looks different."

Ban: "Ippan?? *gasps* A first name basis already? Kirby Sakurai you playboy you. So when's the wedding."

Kirby: "Oh ha ha laugh it up now. Don't think I didn't notice you getting flirty with that girl you saved in the exams."

Ban: *blushes* "I wasn't flirting with her?!"

Kirby: "If you say so. Looks like I won't be only one catching some ladies attention."

As the brothers continued with the sibling banter. After a couple minutes they finally made their way to the school. Kirby and Ban Dee make their way inside to find class 1-A which didn't take long as they found the giant red door with 1-A above it.

Ban: "You ready little bro."

Kirby: "Let's do this. Wait a minute since when were you the older brother?"

Ban: "Oh please. Who do you think has to look after you whenever dad and uncle knight aren't around."

Kirby: *pout* "Fine."

As Kirby and Ban Dee make their way into the class lo and behold they have to see the unfortunate sight of Iida and Bakugo arguing amongst themselves over something trivial. As Kirby saw the rest of his past inside talking amongst themselves. Kirby and Ban Dee make their way to the back of the class waiting for their teacher to arrive.

Iida: "You two!"

Ban: "What do you want Tenya? It's too early for you to be bothering us.

Iida: "Why aren't you in your assigned seats?!"

Kirby: "Does it really matter? Besides the only person we listen to is the teacher. Not a bully who turned on his own friend."

Iida: "What I'm not a bully?!"

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