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After Kirby and Ban Dee completed the their trial they were approached by the rest of class 1-A.

Kirby: "What do you want? Don't try and justify his actions. It's clear to anyone that he doesn't have the mental fortitude to be a hero."

Ban: "Seriously who uses an explosion in close proximity like that. If this was a real life situation innocent people would've died because of his actions. As far I'm concerned he needs to be locked away."

Dedede: "Don't worry kiddos I'll make sure that today will be the that punks last day at this school. I'll be talking with Nezu about his after class."

Iida: "S-Sensei?! Please reconsider. I know what Bakugo did was brash but he can change!"

Kirishima: "Yeah it would unmanly to expel him, he just wasn't thinking straight."

Dedede: "Are you actually trying to justify his actions that could've caused the lives of innocent people? I guess you brats are more villainous than I initially thought. My answer if final it's clear that he's not suited to be a hero and he will be expelled."

Kaminari: "Oh yeah then what about him?!"

As Kaminari points at Kirby, much to the confusion of the pink haired boy and his brother."

Kaminari: "This wouldn't have happened if he didn't antagonize Bakugo during the trial. It was clear that he said somethings to get under his skin. If you're going to punish Bakugo then he deserves punishment as well." 

Ban: "He's not actually serious is he?"

Kirby: "He was always the moron with the least amount of braincells."

Dedede: "My decision is final. If that brat can't keep his emotions in check in a situation like than he doesn't deserve to be here. In fact all of you with the exception of Kirby and Ban Dee don't deserve to be here. You're all villains cosplaying as heroes. Never forget that. Hopefully I don't have to deal with you clowns any further once Izuku exposes you to the public."

As Dedede makes his way over to Bakugo who was still knocked out by Kirby as he grabs him and hoists him over his shoulder. With a look of disgust on his face as he had to carry this brat over his shoulder.

Dedede: "If you can hear this brat, just know your days are officially numbered you'll never be a student here at U.A ever again."

As Dedede heads over to Nezu Office, but not before turning back to his students.

Dedede: "I already informed a good friend of mine to be here and take over for me should there had been an issue, you'll continue your battle trial while I take out the trash."

As Dedede left the area leaving class 1-A to themselves, Kirby and Ban waited over by the walls as they talked amongst themselves. Izumi had finally come to as she made her way to the rest of her classmates after being tied up, she heard everything that Dedede said.

Izumi: "Katsuki is going to be expelled?! What the hell did that idiot do?! He already knew we were all on thin ice yet he lets his emotions get the better of him."

As Izumi turned her attention over to Kirby and Ban were waiting and talking amongst each other. Izumi looked at the duo, seeing how the interacted reminded her of the memory of her and Izuku before everything went to shit. Seeing how close those two were made Izumi furious and sad on the inside, knowing that she could never replicate that bond with Izuku, as he was nowhere to be found and that he was planning on exposing them to the public.

Izumi went over to the rest of class 1-A with a look of somberness in her eyes, knowing that it was only a matter of time before it was up.

Izumi: "If only there was a way I could turn back time, but alas this is consequence of my actions. Izuku wherever you are I hope you're happy with your new life."

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