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MetaKnight was on the phone with an old friend of his regarding the situation with Izuku and was getting the issue resolved as we speak.

MetaKnight: "I want you to hear me and hear me good. I'm not letting him go back to the house to be neglected and abused. He's staying under our care from here on out."

???: "My this is quite unfortunate. I had no idea this was going on with my own nephew."

MetaKnight: "It's not your fault old friend. I know you would've taken him in without hesitation. But fear can cause us to stay silent even when we truly need a cry for help."

???: "Yes. It's gonna take quite some time for him to truly heal from all of this. But make no mistake I'll be having an investigation going and I'll make sure there is a court case regarding those who have neglected him. Trust me this won't go unpunished. Just promise to watch over him please."

MetaKnight: "You have my word old friend. He'll be treated like he's one of us."

???: "Thank you Meta. I truly appreciate this. I'll catch up with you later."

MetaKnight: "I'll see you soon goodbye Nezu."

As MetaKnight hung up the phone. MetaKnight turned his attention towards Ban. Dee and Izuku who were currently playing on the Nintendo Switch, playing Mario Kart. Their excitement exuded throughout the room. MetaKnight smiled as he began to reminisce on their past life with Bandana Dee and a certain pink puff.

MetaKnight: "Hopefully Izuku could be the successor that you've been looking for my former protege. It would be nice to see you once again."

Scene Change

We turn our attention back to the Yagi Household as Izumi and company made their way back home. Waiting for Izuku to come back home, however several hours have passed and he didn't return.

Katsuki: "Damn it where is that nerd?! Don't tell me that muffled mouth bastard actually took him away."

Iida: "Don't worry Katsuki. We'll get Izuku back here and I'll reprimand him for being out so long."

Kirishima: "Yeah that Ban.Dee guy also needs to be dealt with he's been a pain in our side ever since we first met him."

Shoto: "I agree. He's been becoming a nuisance with trying to tell Izuku that he can be a hero while quirkless, giving him false hope."

Izumi: "Not to worry, Izuku will learn sooner or later that his dream is nothing but false hope and learn to give up his hopeless dream."

Momo: "That's right!"

Suddenly the doorbell rang as Izumi went to answer the door as she saw several people at the door. Those being Nezu, Aizawa, and Detective Tsukauchi.

Izumi: "Oh hey uncle Nezu. Something you need?"

Nezu didn't say anything as he and the others made their way into the house.

Nezu: "Search the boys room."

As Tsukachi and Aizawa made their way upstairs into the boys room to get the evidence.

Izumi: "U-Um Uncle Nezu?"

Nezu: "Quiet."

Suddenly the room went cold as the kids started to break into a cold sweat as Nezu went over to the couch and take a seat.

Nezu: "Go get your mother this second."

Izumi immediately went to over to the kitchen to get her mother who was currently cooking food.

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