USJ Part 2

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Kirby: "Who are you and what do you want?!

???: "We're the league of Villains and we've come to cause havoc here. By doing that we'll start with you two.

As the mysterious person points at Kirby and Ban. Dee. Sensing the danger, Ban Dee readies his spear as Kirby changes into Beam Kirby. He now was wearing a Jester Hat with a wand in his hand.

Ban: "It's clear that you're targeting us specifically despite us not knowing who you are. It's clear that you've been keeping tabs on us from someone behind the scenes.

???: Hmmm rather perceptive you are. Even if that were true it doesn't matter your going to die anyway. Along with the rest of your class and these heroes as well.

Kirby: Don't think you're going to beat us so easily, everyone stay on guard and get within groups. Hey robocop.

As Kirby turns his attention towards Iida.

Kirby: "You need to leave the area and head back to get backup. Don't even bothering arguing either, this is a life and death situation."

Iida didn't bother to attempt arguing as he sprinted full speed towards the exit to inform the heroes back at the school about this. Before that could happen however, that mysterious "portal" appeared once again as a person with purple mist appeared right in front of Iida trying to stop him reaching the outside. Kirby, seeing this jumped into the air and immediately let out a barrage of barrage of electrical energy towards the that person causing him to dodge out of the way and Iida made it out safely.

???: "Damnit! Kurogiri! Hurry and separate these damn brats!

As the now named Kurogiri send the class 1-A students to different parts of the USJ leaving Aizawa, Kirby, and Ban Dee where they started at as the villains began to separate into the different areas themselves.

???: "Now then looks like they'll be no distractions, you know what's funny. We managed to get in touch with a person who actually has a vendetta against you two."

Kirby and Ban Dee looked at each other when they said that. If they think it's the person that he's talking about that it's clear that things will get worse in the foreseeable future.

???: "However that's enough about him, let's see how you fair against this. Kurogiri open the portal!"

Kurogiri: "Yes Master Shigaraki."

As Kurogiri opened up a portal and out came a giant monster with its brain exposed. Waiting for the directions of his master. Shigaraki laughed as he began to explain what the thing next to him was.

Shigaraki: "Alright you runts meet Nomu! This is our AllMight killer but unfortunately we haven't seen him lately. But who's to say he won't show if he finds out we left a trail of destruction and death behind us here. What better way then to start off with you two chumps and EraserHead. NOMU ATTACK!"

As the monster yelled so loud it echoed all throughout the USJ as he rushed towards Kirby and Ban Dee. Kirby grabbed Ban Dee and Aizawa quickly moving out of the way dodging his punch that left a crater on the floor.

Kirby: Bro we have to coordinate our attacks! Sensei see if you can trying turning off this things quirk from a distance."

Ban: "Got it bro! Let's show this chump who's boss!"

EraserHead: "Be careful you two. That's an order!"

Both: "Yes Sir!"

As Kirby holds his wand in the air as Ban Dee touches the wand with his spear, with Kirby giving him the Zap spear. The nodded at each other ready to confront the Nomu. As they charged at the monster with break neck speed, surprising EraserHead at how fast they are moving now. The Nomu retaliated with impressive speed of his own as the two sides collided with a clash that sent a shockwave throughout the USJ.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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