A Mothers Regret

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It's been several days since Katsuki Bakugo had been expelled from U.A high. Tensions is the classroom were high as they others knew that it wasn't a game and that could happen to them, well baring Kirby and Ban. Dee of course. They didn't have any complaint about the ash blonde being expelled as he was a villain in both their eyes.

This caused friction between Kirishima and Kaminari who viewed Kirby as the reason for why Katsuki had been expelled. If he didn't egg him on then Katsuki wouldn't have reacted that way. However, Izumi immediately shut that shit down telling them that Kastuki made his own decision by pulling the pin. She told them he needed to face the consequences of his own actions and if getting expelled was that then so be it.

Izumi: "Besides I hope you all realize we aren't safe either, it's only a matter of time before Izuku exposes us to the public and we get locked up too. So enjoy it while it last."

Shoto: "So you're just accepting what's going to happen to us!? Not even going to try and fight it?!"

Izumi: "What the hell is there to fight Shoto?! Tell me? Nezu knows, Aizawa knows, the entire staff here knows what we did to Izuku, my mother is currently in custody here at the school and I doubt she's getting any treatment here whatsoever, this was the consequences of following that fucking morons plans. I suggest you quit being so fucking arrogant and realize the world doesn't revolve around any of you! We made our bed and now it's time to lay in it!"

As Izumi left the classroom leaving everyone stunned that she didn't even attempt to defend Katsuki but reprimand him for his actions. Kirby and Ban. Dee was also surprised at this as well, to see her not agreeing with her little group. It was evident that she knew that her actions were worthy of jail time but she didn't try to deny it whatsoever.

Ban: "Well, that was quite the surprise to end the day wasn't it Kirby?"

Kirby: "Yeah... it was. I guess it just takes people to deal with consequences to realize the error of their mistakes. Maybe in another lifetime we could've been friends with them don't you think Ban Dee."

Ban: "Maybe, but what's done is done. Come on let's head him and grab some food, I know dad has a stash of those Philly cheesesteaks at the house."

Kirby: "What are we waiting for let's go!"

As Kirby and Ban Dee leave the classroom as well heading back home. The other is class 1-A went off on their respective houses as some began to reflect on the actions of Katsuki which lead to him being expelled, it was clear that none of the teachers would tolerate any of their bullshit and with Katsuki being expelled it was definitely the reality check that was meant for to tighten up for however long they may be at the school.

Izumi went towards a room that her mother was currently living due to being in U.A's custody. Izumi made sure to visit her mom everyday after class, checking up on her and make sure that she was mentally sane, however it was clear that this was taking a toll on her. With a knock on the door, Izumi made her way inside the room. As she saw her mom Inko Yagi, currently watching Tv while filing some paperwork that she was designated to do so, in order to keep busy.

Inko: "Hey sweetie how was class?"

Izumi: "Well other than Katsuki finally getting expelled it was nothing special."

Inko: "He got expelled?! What did he do?"

Izuku: "The idiot decided to pull the pin on one of his gauntlets toward a kid in our class named Kirby. Luckily he wasn't injured and was able to get out in unscathed."

Inko: "Kirby? That name doesn't sound familiar?"

Izumi: "He's one of Ban. Dee's friends. The one who took Izuku from us."

Inko: "Oh......"

Izumi: "Mom I wanted to know how you're holding up?

Inko: "How else would I be holding up Izumi?! My son is god knows out there somewhere, my husband has been banned from U.A, I'm constantly looked at with disgust by the staff here for something I had no recollection of evening doing?! I'm lucky to even be free right now Izumi! They were going to lock me in Tartarus if Nezu didn't find some mercy in his heart!"

Izumi: ".........Look mom, I want to know the truth. Why did you and dad ignore Izuku after that time we went to the quirk doctor. Was me having a quirk so amazing that you willingly chose to ignore the one without it?"

Inko: "No?! I was proud that you had a quirk Izumi I was happy to hear that you would be able to achieve your dream of being a hero. But then I realized that Izuku would never be able to do that himself! It broke me inside to know that he wouldn't be able to achieve his childhood dream of being like AllMight. I tried to comfort your brother after the doctor's appointment but your father told me to leave him alone. It was like he was disgusted with Izuku that he was quirkless."

Izumi: "That's pretty hypocritical coming from him considering what we know about his quirk. Though I won't lie I'm also at fault for things as well. I should've been there by his side, I know he would've been there for me. But that stupid idea of Katsuki's talking about "protect" him."

Inko: "Izumi, be honest with me? Do you think Izuku would ever forgive us?"

Izumi: "No. why would he mom? We turned our backs on him whether it was knowingly or unknowingly he was alone in this world having to fend for himself without the love of friend or family. If it wasn't for Ban. Dee being there for Izuku I doubt he would be alive right now, wherever he is."

Inko began to reminisce on the times before the doctor appointment whenever Izuku and her would play hero in the house. They were particularly closer to each other than Izuku was with his father, which surprised Inko at the time but she didn't mind it whatsoever. As tears began to pour down her face as she failed to realize the pain and suffering that he had gone through as he got older, how he was alone in this world, how we was bullied, and that she played a part in lall that.

Inko: "H-How could I be so stupid not to realize. My baby was suffering in this world by himself and I, the one who brought him into this world wasn't there to protect him from it all. I don't deserve to be considered a mother!

Izumi could only stand there in silence as she heard her mom's pain as she cried out. Izumi was also wrapped up in her own guilt for what she had done to her brother. She fully came to grasp that if Izuku should and choose to tell the world his story then so be it. Everything in the shadows comes to the light. As Izumi turned around and went to comfort her mom with a much needed hug.

Whether her father was here or not she couldn't care, that relationship set sail after he opened belittled Izuku for being quirkless and calling an eyesore from what she heard in passing from a report from MetaKnight and that he's keeping tabs on him just in case he decides to do something sneaky. The only thing that mattered to her now was her mother's well-being.

Izumi: "Izuku, I don't know where you are, I hope you're safe and loving your life freely without any fear anymore.  I'll do my best to watch over mom until it's my time for the slammer. There's no redemption for a terrible sister like me. Wherever you are just please be safe."

As the women of the Yagi- no the Midoriya Family were consoling each other. Trying to keep whatever family bond they had left together for however long the future may allow them to have it. While this was going on Kirby and Ban Dee were happily racing back home to enjoying some nice hot food, the two brothers who stood by each other proudly and were inseparable. The many adventures that await them and others would tales to come. However, with every goodness in the world there's always a darkness out there to combat that goodness perhaps in places or people that you'd least expect it to.

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