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Two years have passed since Izuku had become Kirby's new successor. To say everyone in the house was excited was an understatement. The family bond that was in their past lives was finally brought back into the forefront. Izuku's appearance had changed completely now rocking pink hair and blue eyes and he was shorter now than previous although that didn't really seem to bother him in the slightest.

He had finally been freed of the shackles of his past

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He had finally been freed of the shackles of his past. Changing his name  to Izuku Sakurai. In those 2 years Izuku had managed to learn how to use Kirby's iconic Copy Ability. However instead of having to inhale like his successor before him, Izuku would gain these powers by touching the object that corresponds to the copy ability. With MetaKnight training him to hone these abilities.

Izuku's appetite also increased exponentially as well. Considering that Dedede was also a mouth to feed in his own right, this would spark a rivalry between the two once as to see who can eat the most. Much to the dismay of MetaKnight and the amusement of Bandana Dee. Izuku had memories of all Kirby's past adventures with his friends beside him as was quite shocked at how powerful such a small puffball could be.

The 4 gold pieces from before had also merged once again to form the Warp Star. Kirby's main source of traversing through the universe at speeds beyond light itself. Instinctively Izuku hopped on the Star as immediately went around Japan getting a feel for the vehicle itself and it was second nature to him.

MetaKnight and the others were happy that Izuku was the one who Kirby deemed worthy of his successor in this new life of theirs and just like in their past life they would work together as a team and overcome anything that stood in the way of peace for not just themselves but for the people of Japan.

Now whatever happened to them during the two years you may ask? Well let's see what exactly happened.

POV change

It's been 2 years and things haven't been kind for those who hurt Izuku. The kids behavior was exposed to their family and needless to say the parents were horrified at their actions. Nezu told the parents that their kids would be going to juvenile court for their actions and were blacklisted from all hero schools.

Aldera Junior High had also been shutdown. Students and teachers alike were escorted out of the building, arrested for letting discrimination and abuse happened to a quirkless student.

This made it to the news as Nezu made a firsthand example of those who think that that quirkless means useless. Teachers were sent to Tartarus and the students involved were blacklisted from all hero schools, their dreams crushed due  to their own actions and prejudice. 

Izumi and company had to severe 1000 hours of community service and had quirk canceling cuffs on them 24/7.  They also had to take mental health evaluation to see whether or not they made progress. Some regret their actions to what they did to Izuku; I.e Tokoyami, Shoji, Aoyama, Sato, Ojiro, and Koji. Realizing their foolishness and know that in order to make things right they have suffer their consequences.

Unfortunately the same can't be said for the rest of them as some actually view what they did as "protecting" him or outright thinking that a quirkless person doesn't deserve to be a hero. (That's up for y'all to decide who's on which side of the spectrum). Now you're probably thinking that all of them had gotten blacklisted from U.A right?

Well...... unfortunately the HSC vetoed Nezu choice in blacklisting them from U.A with some asinine excuse talking about the "future depends on the next generation of heroes". Nezu was not pleased with what he heard as it took everything in his heart to not murder everyone in that room. However, Nezu made sure that  if they were going to be in HIS school then he would dictate things how he saw fit no exceptions.

Inko Yagi had been arrested under the charges of child neglect and abuse. As she was sentenced to a long probation period under the eyes of U.A high, knowing that she wouldn't last a single minute in Tartarus prison. However all of the staff were informed of her actions towards her former son, so there wouldn't be any friend making when the staff  had to keep watch of her.

Toshinori Yagi aka AllMight had received backlash from all of his peers especially his former master Gran Torino who beat the absolute shit out of him after finding that he willingly ignored his own son because of him being quirkless.

He had been visited by the vestiges of OFA as they all deemed unworthy of the quirk; including Nana Shimura who cursed him to hell. Nezu also told AllMight that the only reason he doesn't tell the world of his actions is because he'll give Izuku the opportunity to expose all of them, when he sees the opportunity as right.

Nezu: "Don't think for a second that you're off the hook you bastard. You maybe a hero in the eyes of the people but we know that you're nothing but a scumbag whose days are numbered. Izuku will be the one to expose you and the others on his terms so enjoy what little freedom you have as a hero left. Time is ticking for you and you'll be Tartarus before you know and you only have yourself to blame! Oh, and as far as you being a teacher at MY School that's not going to happen! NOW GET THE HELL OUT OF MY OFFICE YOU PIECE OF SHIT!"

AllMight had the door slammed in his face, having to walk out the building with his head down. The staff looked at him with anger, disgust, disappointment, and shame.

Aizawa: "You reap what you sow. I hope you're happy with what you've done. Also just know that if you ever become a potential threat in the future."

As Aizawa looked at him with the most menacing glare you could ever see from the underground hero.

Aizawa: "I'll kill you with no remorse whatsoever

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Aizawa: "I'll kill you with no remorse whatsoever."

Hearing this mabuild de AllMight sweat as he made his way out of the building quickly. This shouldn't be happening to him he's the #1 hero for crying out loud! In some sort of twisted way he formed in his mind that this was all Izuku's fault.

If he hadn't been quirkless then maybe none of this would've happen. His wife wouldn't have been arrested, the vestiges wouldn't look down on him with disdain and hatred, his daughter and her friends wouldn't be in the situation they are in!

AllMight: "This is all that brats fault! If he hadn't existed then none of this would be happening! He's a damn stain on my family name! If only it was just Izumi born! Wherever you are I won't let you get the chance to ruining what I've worked so hard to build!"

Unfortunately in his own delusion the #1 hero was succumbing to hatred and vowed to rid the world of Izuku Yagi for ruining his families life. While the downfall of the #1 was happening the rise of a brand new hero or heroes would be formed for all to witness for the future.

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