Chapter 7

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Sydney POV:
I had slept a lot on the plane, so when I climbed into Jc's car, I was a little hyper.
"Thanks, Kenny. Bye!" I said in a high pitched voice. "Hi Jc!!" I said over ecstatically.
"Hi Syd!!" he said mocking me.
"Was that really necessary?"
"Of course it was. So tell me about your new friend."
"What new friend? Kenny?"
"Yeah! You seem so comfortable around him."
"Yeah, is that a bad thing?"
"You're usually extremely shy. It's not like you to just, ya know...?"
"To talk to people?"
"Oh." I had never even thought about that. I typically hid behind the people I knew when I met someone new. With Kenny, I had just talked to him like I've known him my entire life.
"Do you like him?" Jc asked suddenly.
"Yeah! He's super nice, funny, and he listens to me. He's also a really good singer."
"More than that. Like-"
"Would I want to date him?"
"Took the words right out of my mouth."
"You do?"
"I don't know! He was just- I like him, Jc. Don't embarrass me."
"I think it's good that you like him. I mean, you haven't trusted a guy enough to date him for a couple years."
"You're right, but it's not like he would even think about liking me."
"He seemed pretty friendly today. And why wouldn't he like you?"
"Because why?"
"Because I'm a stupid 18 year old with a troubled past who doesn't know what she wants to do with her life. I'm not pretty, funny, and I don't know why I even agreed to this stupid concert. I wanna go home." I was starting to sob.
"None of that is true. You have 800,000 YouTube subscribers, lots of friends, and you're beautiful and hilarious. You're obviously doing something right. And as far as your past, it's over." I wiped my eyes and folded my hands in my lap. When I looked down at them, I realized that my right wrist was swollen.
"Shit." I said.
"What?" Jc said, genuinely concerned.
"It's my wrist. Pull over for a sec." When I was 15, I broke my wrist. It was pretty bad. I needed surgery on it and if I hurt it again that bad, I need another operation.
"What did you do?" Jc asked, looking at it.
"I tripped on my shoelace at the airport. I didn't think anything of it then. I need to call my mom and ask her." I dialed her number, and someone answered almost immediately. But instead of my mom, it was Maddie.
"Hi, Syd!" she said excitedly.
"Hi, Mads. As much as I want to talk to you, I really need mom."
"Okay!" she didn't seem at all upset. "Moooom! Sydney's on the phone!" she yelled. My mom finally answered.
"Hi, sweetie!"
"Hey mom umm I kinda tripped in the airport and now my wrist is really bad and I forgot to pack my brace. What should I do?"
"How bad is it?"
"Well, it's swollen and pretty sore. It's not as bad as it has been, though."
"Can you move it?" I was able to move it a little.
"Yeah, kinda."
"Well, who are you with?"
"Have him go buy an ace bandage and ice it. You should be fine."
"Okay. Thanks."
"No problem. Love you, honey."
"Love you, too, Mom." I then hung up. "Do you have an ace bandage at home?" I asked him.
"Usually we wouldn't, but we do. Are you gonna be okay?" He said, steering back onto the road.
"Yeah. I just need to wrap it and ice it, and I'll probably take an ibuprofen or something."
"Okay, good."
"I'll say."

Kenny POV:
I loved L.A. The hotel we were staying at was pretty nice, too. Sydney was staying at Jc Caylen's house, though.
"Well if it isn't Kenny Holland." A familiar voice said in the lobby.
"And Jack Gilinsky."
"Ah, it's good to see you man." he said bro-hugging me.
"Where's Johnson?"
"Typical." I said laughing.
"So, how was the flight?"
"Well of course we got delayed, but guess who I met at the airport!"
"Sydney Mortan!"
"Wow. She's hot, right?"
"Yeah she is beautiful. And she's so short and tiny and amazing!"
"That's cool bro. Did you hear about the party Jc is having later?" He obviously wasn't as excited about my Sydney stories.
"Nah, when is it?"
"Like, 7. He wanted us to have a private place to hang instead of here. Too many people."
"Awesome! I'm gonna go upstairs and sleep, though. Sydney was on my shoulder the entire flight, and I would like to rest."
"You're talking about her a lot."
"Yeah, so?" It came out more defensive than I thought it would.
"Chill, man. You just seem like you've taken a certain interest in her."
"Okay, yes, I like her a little, but-"
"A little? Kenny, you like her more than a little." He said as we were walking to the elevator. "You like her a lot, if not-"
"I don't 'love' her."
"Whatever, man. I'll talk to you later." With that, we parted ways and went to our rooms.

Sydney's POV:

"A party? Really, Jc?"
"Not an extremely big one, just the people that are already here."
"That's still big, though. And I look like crap!"
"Then go get ready! It starts in 3 hours, you have time! And it's not like it's gonna be fancy."
"And you have to set up."
"Okay, I'll go get the stuff while you get ready!"
"What about my wrist?" I didn't want Kenny to see it wrapped up, given I told him I'd be fine just hours earlier.
"Keep ice on it and that shit."
"Jc, what if it still hurts by the time the party comes around?"
"Then that's that."
"Ughhh. Go get your shit, then." I said, walking up the stairs with an ice pack on my bandaged wrist. I went onto the weather app on my phone to determine what I should wear. I decided on a really soft black and white striped tee shirt and a pair of light blue shorts. I then sat down to give my wrist a break and then did my hair. I had showered earlier so I used a diffuser to blow-dry my hair to make it wavy instead of curly like it was when I let it air dry. I put on concealer, powder, mascara, eyeliner, and also put a whitening strip on my teeth. Again, I sat down and gave my wrist a break. I decided to check my Twitter DMs. Almost all of them were super sweet, and it made me sad that I couldn't respond to them all. One of them caught my eye, though, and I decided I had to respond to it. It said "You make my days shine bright. only one other person can do that, and that's Kenny Holland. Seeing you two film together made me so happy. Keep doing what you're doing." This made me extremely happy, so I responded,
"This made my day. You're so great and never let anyone tell you different. Love ya<3" The Internet is a weird thing. You don't personally know many people on it, yet people constantly make your day. I love it, personally.

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