Chapter 11

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Kenny POV:
I woke up the next morning in an unfamiliar room. I looked next to me, finding a brunette head of hair. At first I though my eyes were playing a trick, but then I realized who it was. Andrea. 'Oh shit.' I thought. She seemed to still be asleep, so I got up and gathered my few things. I grabbed my phone and my shirt, which was laying next to the bed. I ran out the door, hoping she hadn't noticed. Once I was about a block away, I took out my phone. I called both Jacks, neither answering. I really didn't have anyone else's number that was here, but I had Sydney's. Not wanting to wake her with a call, I texted her first.
Hey, Sydney.
Hi Kenny! she responded fairly quickly, given it was 7:15 in the morning.
Could you possibly come pick me up? it's hard to explain.
Of course! Is something wrong?
I'll explain later.
Ok, where are you?
I texted her my general whereabouts and proceeded to wait. After only 10 minutes, I saw what I assumed was Jc's car zip around the corner. Sydney pulled to the curb where I was standing.
"Thank you so much." I said climbing into the passenger seat.
"It' no problem at all. So, what exactly is the situation?" She asked, sounding genuinely concerned.
"Basically, I woke up next to Andrea Russet. I have no clue who's house it was or how I got there."
"What the hell? Did you drink at all?" I was slightly shocked by her swearing, even though most people don't consider that a swear word.
"Not that I know of, but I don't know how I would've gotten there without drinking."
"Not that I'm accusing you of drinking, but you probably did. There's honestly no other way, other than if she drugged  you or hypnotized you or something." I laughed at the idea of her hypnotizing me. "What, she could've!" said Sydney defensively. I raised my eyebrows and gave her the look of 'are you being logical in any way?'. We both started laughing.
"So where is your hotel?" she said after a giggly minute.
"Woah, you're not going without payment for picking me up. I'm buying you breakfast."
"You don't have to."
"Yeah, I do."
"I look like crap, Kenny."
"No you don't. I love those shorts." I said. She was wearing these light blue pajama shorts with polar bears surfing, which I found hilarious. Paired with that, she had a maroon shirt with a golden 'M' on it, which I was guessing was for the University of Minnesota. She also had on socks with sandals and her hair in a bun on top of her head. Utterly adorable.
"I'm not even wearing makeup, my hair is a mess, and this bra I'm wearing? Shit." I'll admit, she didn't have much in the chest region, but it didn't look bad. I decided not to argue any further, but insult myself instead.
"I don't look any better!" was a completely true statement. I was wearing a lint covered black tee shirt and dirty jeans. My hair was messy and slightly greasy.
"Yeah, okay." she said sarcastically.
"Where do you want to eat, child?"
"I'm no child." she said, shooting me a hopefully playful glare.
"What restaurant?"
"Ugh, I don't know. What's in the area?"
"There's an IHOP nearby."
"That sounds great."
"Do you want me to drive?"
"No, I can do it. But thanks for the offer. I may take you up on that later." The rest of the ride was in almost completely silent, other than the quiet hum of music coming softly from the radio. Once we parked the car, she texted Jc to tell him we'd be a while, even though we both knew he was asleep and most likely hungover. While she was doing that, I checked my phone. I saw a text from Andrea.
Hey boo y'd you leave? At first, I wasn't going to respond, but not wanting to be rude, I said:
I'm not quite sure why I was there in the first place.
:)talk to you later? She responded almost immediately.
Sure. I put my phone in my pocket and Sydney and I walked inside. It was fairly busy, but it was mostly grandparents with their kids and grandkids. We were seated in a booth near a window.
"What can I get you to drink today?" the waitress asked, looking first at me.
"I'll have orange juice."
"Alright. And for you, sweetie?" she looked at Sydney.
"Um, uh, I'll have apple juice." Sydney stuttered, looking shyly at the table.
"Alright!" The peppy, middle aged waitress walked away.
"What are you gonna order?" I asked her.
"Well, I'm not really a breakfast person, so probably just a short stack of pancakes. Maybe some French toast or something. I don't care."
"Everyone is a breakfast person."
"Well not me. In all honesty, I barely count it as a meal."
"That's one of the most tragic things I've ever heard." She shrugged and started stacking the coffee cream containers into a pyramid. Once she completed, I knocked it over.
"What was that for?" She asked jokingly.
"I'm going to challenge you. The one who can build the pyramid the fastest wins."
"So what am I gonna win?"
"I'm going to win a tweet off your account."
"Oh, gosh. When will you get to delete it?" She smirked.
"After 24 hours, but it's kinda pointless, wouldn't you agree?"
"True. get out your phone. We're gonna stop our own timers when we're done."
"Alright." We both got out our phones and put six creamers next to us each.
"Ready," I said.
"Set," Sydney raised her eyebrows.
"GO!" We said in synchronicity. Sydney started out winning, she had 4 of them stacked, but they fell over. I proceeded to win, 4.89 seconds against 7.34.
"Give me your phone." I said happily.
Sydney gave me puppy dog eyes as our waitress came over.
"One OJ and one apple juice." She said setting our glasses down. "Are you ready to order?"
"We'll share a large stack of waffles with blueberries, chocolate chips, and lots of whipped cream with a side of bacon. Can we also get some hash browns?"
"Of course! Will that be all?"
"Alright, I'll bring them out as soon as I can." She walked away.
"Why did you order all that?"
"I'm gonna make you a breakfast person." She rolled her eyes. "Now give me your phone."
"Nope. Hand it over." She reluctantly slid her phone across the table. "It's locked."
"4-12-04. My dogs Otis and Marley's birthday." I typed in the password and went to Twitter.

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