Chapter 2

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Luna's POV

January 12, 2019

5:47 PM

Age 23 

Manhattan, NYC

Dear  Papà,

It's been five years. Zola and Claudia, my only buddies, say that time heals all wounds. Sometimes I believe them, but other times I'm scared to cling to false hopes. I know you're watching over me, smiling. I'm happy you're in a better place. This world can be so hard, Papà. By the way, your princess just got a job as a waitress at a famous bar called 'Devil Hideout.' Life in New York City is crazy exhausting. Zola and Claudia are already working their tails off. I hope my first day today goes amazing.Okay, I've gotta run now. Say hi to Mom for me. You know, I always love and miss you two so much.


Luna Percy

Closing my diary, a mix of relief and sadness washed over me. The weight of my emotions lingered, and writing helped me deal with all the heavy stuff in my head. It was like a way to let out the messy thoughts that bothered me. As the pen met the paper, it felt like a cathartic release, a way to exhale the feral thoughts that had clawed at the edges of my mind.

Overhearing Zola and Claudia argue a bit, I grinned to myself. They were like my backup, my buddies in this NewYork city. Their friendship was my shield when everything felt tough. We stuck together through all the challenges, finding comfort in each other's company.

I quickly stole a glance at myself in the mirror. Besides applying a little makeup that I borrowed from Zola, my eyes still looked blank—a void left deep in my soul, refusing to be filled. In the depths of my reflection, shadows danced, mirroring the darkness that clung to my thoughts. 

The weight of sorrow etched itself on my face, every line telling a story of grief and loneliness. It felt as if the mirror held a portal to a world where happiness had long abandoned me, leaving behind an echo of pain that reverberated in my weary eyes.

Remembering that incident happened five years ago made it even harder. The pain from back then still felt fresh in my mind, making my reflection seem even more lonely and sad. It was like that part of my life was stuck, and the memories kept coming back to haunt me, showing in my eyes that felt empty. My phone brightened with a text message.

Unknown: "You're looking stunning in black, obsession."I gasped and looked around my small room, but my eyes didn't find him.

Unknown:" You look more stunning when scared, obsession."

I had been receiving texts from an unknown number since I moved from Italy to New York three years ago. At first, I thought maybe it was some eccentric public survey, but that wasn't the case.

I felt him in my room sometimes, especially at night, as if he were sitting in an armchair next to my bed, just staring at me in the darkness. It creeped the heck out of me. He knew my every move, everything about me, but what did I know about him? Wait, I needed to think. Oh yeah, I knew he was a man—tall and muscular.

 Every night, I locked my room door and windows, but he still found a way to sit beside me, just staring. I mean, what the heck? Who does that?

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