Chapter 35

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I sat at the head of the ornate table, my face shrouded in dim light, eyes gleaming with a dangerous intensity. Across from me, my Mexican partner Antino Ramirez, including his right-hand man, Marco, fidgeted nervously, sweat glistening on their foreheads.

I took a long drag from my cigar, the smoke swirling around my face like a sinister aura, my gaze like cold steel, cutting through the smoke to scrutinize my underlings. "You boys really think you can play games with me?" My voice rumbled, each word carrying the weight of authority. "You try to shortchange me, and you'll find out just how short life can be. Offering me chump change for the finest arsenal on the market? You're either playing stupid, or you've got a death wish."

They shifted uncomfortably in their seats, their eyes avoiding the intense glare of me. 

Antino spoke, "Salvo, I thought If we—"

I cut him off with a venomous glare. "You thought? You thought, Antino? This is business, not some fucking neighborhood poker game. We're talking big money, and you come in here with peanuts? I'm insulted."

I stood abruptly, knocking my chair back with a resounding thud. The room fell into a heavy silence as I circled the table, my footsteps echoing like a drumbeat of impending doom. "Let me make one thing crystal clear. You don't dictate the terms to Salvo Ambrose. I dictate the terms. I don't tolerate disrespect. Not in my house, and certainly not in my business," I continued. The room seemed to shrink as I circled them, my shadow looming over the trembling men.

They exchanged uneasy glances, beads of sweat forming on their brows. One of the men, Joey, attempted to speak, but I silenced him with a gesture. "You talk about prices, negotiations. This ain't a marketplace. This is the Ambrose family, and we don't negotiate—we dictate terms. You want to dance with the devil? Well, you're staring him in the eyes right now."

I halted, leaning in on Antino with a menacing whisper, his eyes narrowing. "I've built this empire with blood, sweat, and a hell of a lot of killing. You think you can shortchange me? You're not just disrespecting me; you're disrespecting the entire Ambrose legacy."

My hand clamped onto Joey's shoulder, squeezing with a force that sent a shiver down his spine. "You got until midnight to make it right. If the figures don't change, I won't just take your money. I'll take everything you hold dear, and I'll do it with a smile on my face."

My hand gripped the collar of Antino's suit, pulling him close. "If you don't, you won't need to worry about business deals ever again, capisce?" He nodded frantically, fear etched across his face. "Salvo, we'll make it right."

The room fell into a tense silence as I released my grip, allowing Antino to slump back into his chair. "You see, in our world, there are two things you never mess with—family and business. And here, they're one and the same. Cross me again, and you'll wish you were never born. Now get out of my sight," I barked.

As they hastily exited the room, I remained standing. My dominance was absolute, and those who dared to challenge me soon learned the consequences of crossing a man with a reputation as ruthless as me.

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