Chapter 34

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I stood beneath the stream of cold water, each droplet a merciless reminder of the torment I endured. The scars etched onto my body told a gruesome tale of suffering — burnt marks, cuts, and bruises adorned me like a painting on canvas. The drawing of possessiveness, marked with words 'obsession,' twisted my stomach in knots.

As I emerged from the shower, the mirror reflected a version of myself I could hardly recognize. Wrapping myself in a towel, I moved cautiously, the cold air clinging to my damp, naked form as if it, too, was a part of the violation.

Exiting the room, I sensed his presence before I spotted him. A shudder ran down my spine, and my instincts screamed at me to escape. But before I could react, darkness enveloped my vision as a blindfold tightened around my eyes.

His voice, a venomous whisper, guided my every step. "Don't make a sound, obsession. Just follow my lead."

The air outside the room was thick with tension as he steered me through the unfamiliar space. My heart pounded in my chest, the vulnerability of my nakedness intensified by the oppressive blindfold. I strained to pick up any cues, a sound, a change in temperature, anything that might hint at my surroundings.His grip on my arm tightened, a silent reminder of the power he still held over me. The vehicle's door creaked open, and I was ushered inside, the cold leather of the seat sending shivers through my body.

As the engine roared to life, my thoughts swirled in a tumult of emotions. The blindfold remained, obscuring my vision, and his presence loomed like a malevolent shadow. I dared not utter a word, the weight of my silence echoing the trauma I endured. The road ahead was obscured, much like the path to healing that lay ahead of my shattered soul.

The chill of the air greeted me as I stepped out of the vehicle, the engine's hum ceased.As he unfastened the blindfold, I blinked against the dim light, adjusting to the desolation of the land surrounding me. Before I could fathom the reason for our arrival, a sudden kick to my leg sent me sprawling to my knees, a gasp escaping my lips.

Confusion etched across my face. I looked up at him, my silent plea for an explanation met with chilling silence. Minutes passed, an unsettling stillness hanging in the air until he moved purposefully around me. My heart quickened as I felt the cold embrace of wires wrapping around my waist.

My voice trembled as I finally managed to speak, "Logan, what are you doing?"No response came from him. The uncertainty of his actions intensified the fear welling within me. After a tense silence, my eyes widened in shock as he revealed the unthinkable truth — my body was enveloped with a time bomb.

The ominous ticking sound echoed, a relentless reminder of impending doom. Fear, shock, and uncertainty paralyzed me as I stared at him, desperation clouding my eyes. The barren land seemed to mirror the emptiness within me, and the realization of my life hanging by a thread froze my nerves.

A car screeched to a sudden halt near us, and within seconds, he emerged from the vehicle. My jaw plummeted to the ground, eyes stretched wide in sheer shock, and my breath seized in the unexpected encounter.

His once meticulously groomed beard had grown long and unkempt. Strands of messy hair framed his face. Bloodshot eyes held weariness and unspoken fears. Deep lines etched across his forehead and dark circles under his cyan eyes. The vibrant energy that once emanated from him had dimmed.

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