Chapter 37

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My eyes widened, and my breath caught in my throat as the bathroom door swung open. The black bag slipped from my fingers, crashing to the floor when he barged in, his eyes locking onto the glinting razor that lay amidst the metallic instruments. In an instant, he reached down, sweeping the bag aside, and picked up the razor, his gaze piercing into my tear-filled eyes as he placed it on his bare arm.

He moved back, his expression a tumultuous mix of darkness and brokenness. I, desperate to prevent him from following the same path, stood, tears streaming down my face. "Sal...Salvo, please don't do this," I pleaded, but he cut his arm fiercely, blood pouring out. My voice shaky, "It hurts me. P...please."

He recoiled at my attempt to intervene, his eyes reflecting an inner turmoil. Ignoring my pleas, he carved the razor into his bleeding cut. I, unable to bear witness to his pain, continued to beg, "Salvo, please, don't..."

His shout cut through the air, "It hurt me too!".   A heavy silence followed, broken only by the sound of blood dripping and my sobs. His breathing quick and erratic, whispered, "It hurts me a lot, Lu. Why did you do that?" I remained silent, unable to find words.

His frustration and concern palpable, questioned, "You want to die, huh?" I shook my head vehemently, tears heating my face as I cried. My hands covered my face, and in a choked whisper, he asked, "Then why did you do that? Why are you hurting me?"

Salvo's voice, heavy with sorrow and disbelief, cut through the charged silence, "You wanted to die? Lu, you mean everything to me. You warmed my stone heart, brought life to my world. How could you want to leave me alone, drowning in this darkness?"

My eyes filled with tears, whispered, "I...I can't bear this pain, Salvo. Every moment feels a struggle. I can't escape the voices in my head, the memories haunting me. I feel tainted, broken beyond repair."

He responded in sadness, "I know it's hard, Lu. But you wanted to die? To leave me behind? Do you realize the void you'd create in my life?"

My voice breaking, confessed, "I don't feel alive. I...I can't sleep without nightmares. I feel those men touching me every time we try to be close. I don't want to be a burden."

His eyes reflecting pain, uttered, "You're not a burden. You're my anchor. But if you go, I'll paint this world in red. Don't you see? You're the last piece of life in me."

The bathroom echoed with the painful symphony of our unraveling emotions. My tears streaming down my face, I tried to find words amidst my sobs. "You don't see me like before," I finally whispered, my voice filled with sadness. "I'm ugly, Salvo. My body is dirty. I'm scared you'll leave me, that you won't see me again."

His frustration boiling over, shouted back, "I will never leave you, Luna!"

I, caught in the whirlwind of my own insecurities, responded with suspicious desperation, "You're finding excuses. You're leaving me alone."

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