Chapter 32

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"Thud, thud, thud," my eyes never leaving her, the sickening clang of an iron rod on her feeble body reverberated in my ears. I didn't know how long I had been watching assault of her. Every source was untraceable, like the earth had swallowed her or the sky had engulfed her in its cloud. 

That was my greatest fear: the prospect of losing her.

All the nerves in me were boiling. Rage gripped my soul, a searing torrent of frustration and indignation. Heart pounding, fists clenched, the world blurred through a red haze as emotions erupted in a tempest of unbridled fury, leaving demons shattered in their wake. I threw the laptop across the room, wiping tables of all stuff in a violent attack. Her screamings resounded, and I yelled at the top of my lungs. 

I wasn't just sad; I was broken. And what was broken never recovered again. I was losing energy as time passed. I felt it in my heart—the pure and raw fear, the sadness, the heartbreak. Despite being the infamous and formidable mafia leader, known far and wide as the Royal Devil, her sudden disappearance left me feeling utterly powerless.

 Two men barged in, fear etched on their faces. I hadn't counted how many people I killed to find her. Every door closed, every lead vanished as a year passed of her disappearance. The videos her stalker sent were all untraceable, no source. I went on a rampage since that day. Now she was gone, and my demons ruled on me. 

I paced restlessly in my dimly lit study. The mahogany furniture seemed to close in on me, mirroring the suffocating weight on my chest. A pulsating rage consumed me, and I shot two men in their heads. Blood spurted out, and their bodies fell with a loud thud. I thought that was what the saddest people do, worthless to even react and feel. It just took a moment to take what was mine. I had never encountered raw pain and fear until I tasted it after her disappearance. 

My breathing hitched, swallowing the lump in my throat. I turned to hold the table's edge, my head spinning, not knowing the last time I slept. I realized I was nothing without her. I realized I would never be able to live without her. 

What was the worth of my life when I wouldn't catch a glimpse of her beauty? And the saddest part was I perceived she had vanished without any trace.

The door slammed open, and  giggles of Duncan's nine-month-old daughter, Ursula Ambrose, echoed in. Zola's gasp cut through the air, and in stormed Duncan, accompanied by Joseph. 

"Salvo," Duncan spoke, his voice laced with worry. He had never seen me so broken and merciless. In a relentless killing spree, I embarked on a devil's dance of destruction, leaving a trail of lifeless bodies. Yet, amidst the chaos, the search for her left me utterly powerless. 

"Are you here to tell me where the hell is she?" My voice thundered through the room as I hurled a crystal decanter against the wall. The amber liquid splattered across the Persian rug, a symbolic representation of my shattered soul. I always hid my feelings deep inside me and even forgot I had any feelings until she came and got lost. I felt every feeling like she was in my arms and dying.

 Duncan stood in the doorway, his expression grave. "We've been trying to trace her, but it's like she vanished off the face of the earth."

My heart died at a slow pace, losing every hope that could tie her to me again. 

"We're pulling all our resources. We'll get her back," Joseph's words, calculating and calm. I could kill his father, but the sole evidence I had were videos Logan sent me, clearly telling me what he was capable of in abducting her. The room echoed with the cracking pieces of decor I threw, and my hand clenched into a fist.

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