Chapter 9

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They said the human mind was the scariest thing.

I argued that humans themselves were the real fright.

I tightly wrapped my brown coat around me as the cold wind cut through. Two cops, revving the car's engine, their laughter lingering as they sped away, caught my eye. Glancing back at the police station, five days had passed since Sebastian's death, yet his body remained undiscovered. Surveillance cameras had been hacked, footage erased before reaching the police. My adept stalker covered every trace, leaving me vulnerable. It could be easy for him to erase me too.

The first thought that came to my mind: What evidence did I possess against him? Nothing – he stole that USB, leaving only memories. I cautiously stepped back.

Second, if by any chance, the police uncovered my role in Sebastian's death, a lifetime behind bars awaited. No one, not even the bravest, desired a moment in jail. I, too, was too young for such confinement.

Was justice truly worth pursuing? My father never received it; his killer might still revel in freedom. Did I find justice? Perhaps my rapist still roamed freely. The pursuit of justice seemed futile. I took a few steps back, turning around, breaking into a sprint. People might have labeled me as crazy, but they stayed blind to the profound pain within. A flashback hit my mind as I ran swiftly.

"Did you catch a glimpse of his face?" The haunting memories of that terrible night replayed in my mind. The dimly lit room echoed with the harsh fluorescent light above. My father's lifeless body, draped in shadows, was transported to the hospital, a demanding cop seeking answers in the cold, sterile air.

"N...No, but I k...know he's a" Shock resonated in my voice, my eyes reflecting the trauma etched within. The officer's face remained stern, etched lines deepening with frustration.

"Keep quiet for life," he commanded, gripping my face tightly.

"H...He killed father." Tears streamed down as I faced him, devoid of any sympathy. The room felt suffocating, each second dragging on.

"You saw no one, got it?" His grip intensified, his gaze piercing.

"H...He d.." A sharp slap followed, the room seemingly vibrating with the force, accompanied by a forceful clutch of my hair.

"Shut up or face arrest." His grip on my hair tightened, and I winced in pain. "I could brand you as a psycho child, framing you in the public eye. So, little girl, pack your stuff and live your life."

I halted as I reached the entrance of the devil's hideout, a pain pulsating at the side of my heart. Stress and sleep deprivation weighed heavily. I leaned against the wall, forcing myself to calm, maintaining a cool demeanor. My cheeks still wet with tears, and memories still floated in my mind. I took a deep breath before stepping into the bar.

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