Chapter 19

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Gently, my eyes fluttered open in the sterile room. The soft hum of machines blended into a unique melody of life. Monitors beeped with rhythmic precision, and fragments of hushed conversations floated in the air. The glaring brightness of overhead lights forced me to squint, deepening the confusion as I attempted to piece together my surroundings. A sense of vulnerability enveloped me as the puzzle gradually assembled.

The unsettling memory of my encounter with Rossi in the bathroom flashed before me. His deep, blue eyes felt like a suffocating weight on my chest. My heart raced, aligning with the rapid beeping of the monitors, amplifying the internal chaos. At the peak of this intensity, the door burst open, revealing a doctor and two nurses whose urgency echoed the whirlwind of emotions I was experiencing. My chest tightened as voices and faces blurred.

"She's having an attack again," a nurse informed, holding my hand and offering a gentle rub. A man, presumably a doctor, hovered with a stethoscope around his neck. Before he could delve into my pain, a colossal figure materialized through my blurry vision – Salvo, breathing heavily.

"Excuse me, you need to leave the room. We're attending to the patient," the doctor insisted.

"I'm not fucking leaving her side," He roared with concern in his eyes, holding my hand softly. Panic still held me captive, the haunting memory of those piercing blue eyes lingering. The machine's beeping intensified, pulling me back to a night from six years ago.

"Why the fuck is she having an attack again?" Salvo snapped, and in an instant, he had the doctor in a tight grip. Nurses gasped, retreating. Duncan stepped in, calming and ushering him away, their voices muffled in my trance.

"I fucking hired you to ensure she receives the best care." He spat, frustration consuming him. Anger erupted, and he delivered a furious punch to the doctor, who recoiled. My breath escalated, eyes widening in shock.

"Sal..." I whispered, the tremor in my voice reaching him. As he turned around, his face a storm of emotions.

"You're scaring her, fratello."

"Mr. Ambrose, I assure you, we'll do everything we can for her. She has woken after five days; let us treat her," the doctor pleaded.

Five days? I had been unconscious for that long? The beeping of machines persisted, echoing in my ears. Closing my eyes, I inhaled sharply, a sharp pain radiating in my heart. Salvo, holding my hand, pressed a tender kiss on my forehead.

"I...I'm sorry, my baby, Lu, I fucked up," his voice broke as he murmured. The vulnerability in his words touched my soul, and as darkness embraced me again, I clung to the nightmare of those blue eyes.


Slowly, I opened my eyes, and the hospital room materialized before me. The unfamiliar surroundings gradually came into focus. As my senses adjusted, Claudia's comforting presence greeted me on my right side. On the left, Zola and Duncan stood, their concerned expressions painting a vivid picture of the worry they had shouldered during my time of unconsciousness.

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